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Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.
Date: 11/6/14 7:13 pm
In Response To: Ok, So much here is wrong. (Revenant1988)

There were several reviews in there from longtime Halo fans, and they seemed to dislike it as much as everybody else on the staff. Even the most positive view likened it to a brainless popcorn-munching guilty pleasure.

It doesn't surprise me, though. The trailer seemed underwhelming, and Scott's last project, Prometheus, was pretty disappointing. And even then, he's only producing the show -- it's directed and written by veterans of middling-quality television. My expectations are quite low.

Messages In This Thread

Halo Nightfall Is Going To Suck! :link:SEspider11/6/14 3:32 pm
     The Verge is one of the bad sites, by the way.Rice11/6/14 3:37 pm
           Re: The Verge is one of the bad sites, by the way.MacGyver1011/6/14 3:46 pm
                 Re: The Verge is one of the bad sites, by the way.Quirel11/6/14 3:47 pm
           "one of the bad sites"?Jordan11711/6/14 7:02 pm
                 Re: "one of the bad sites"?Rice11/7/14 2:33 am
                       hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *NM*kidtsunami11/7/14 8:09 am
                       gamergate pls go *NM*Jordan11711/8/14 1:58 am
                       Re: "one of the bad sites"?Grizzlei11/8/14 4:31 am
     Sigh. Here's a better review...Quirel11/6/14 3:46 pm
           Re: Sigh. Here's a better review...Revenant198811/6/14 4:03 pm
     Ok, So much here is wrong.Revenant198811/6/14 4:00 pm
           Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.munky-05811/6/14 4:49 pm
                 Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Revenant198811/6/14 7:03 pm
           Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Jordan11711/6/14 7:13 pm
                 Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Revenant198811/6/14 8:31 pm
                       Jimmy Shelton and Chaim Gartenberg, specifically *NM*Jordan11711/6/14 8:46 pm
                 Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Quirel11/7/14 4:58 am
                       Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.thebruce011/7/14 9:28 am
           Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Cody Miller11/6/14 9:36 pm
                 Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.Revenant198811/6/14 10:30 pm
           Re: Ok, So much here is wrong.SEspider11/10/14 4:27 pm
     Learn to freaking spell "dialogue," people. *NM*Kermit11/6/14 5:43 pm
           Don't you mean "dieahlaug?" *NM*Grizzlei11/6/14 6:50 pm
     Not even CapricaCody Miller11/6/14 9:30 pm
           Re: Not even CapricaGrizzlei11/8/14 4:22 am
                 Re: Not even CapricaCody Miller11/8/14 12:39 pm
                       Re: Not even CapricaJillybean11/9/14 5:04 pm

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