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Re: Mind Blown
Date: 8/29/14 4:58 pm
In Response To: Re: Mind Blown (zofinda)

: Anyone can say what they will about 343, but they are masters at
: foreshadowing. Off the top of my head, Lasky being mentioned in
: FS:Definitive Edition way back in 2010, John Smith calling the Flood
: "primordial", The ancient human ruins in Babysitter. Check out
: these 2 links for more


Still have to read the article...

But I'd caution about just calling any connection 'foreshadowing' unless it can be confirmed it was intended to be. Otherwise, Lost S1E1 was foreshadowing. :P That is, one can write story, then later on draw connections to earlier plot elements that weren't originally planned that way... I'm pretty sure that's likely happened a few times in the Halo universe. But I want to believe it's all re-planned foreshadowing :)

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Escalation #9 *SP*Grizzlei8/27/14 3:43 am
     Re: Escalation #9 *SP*NotTheVacuum8/27/14 11:43 am
           Re: Escalation #9 *SP*Grizzlei8/27/14 11:47 am
                 Re: Escalation #9 *SP*NotTheVacuum8/27/14 12:00 pm
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*Grizzlei8/27/14 3:08 pm
     Re: Escalation #9 *SP*asa8/27/14 12:11 pm
           Re: Escalation #9 *SP*serpx8/27/14 1:29 pm
                 Re: Escalation #9 *SP*serpx8/27/14 1:32 pm
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*asa8/27/14 1:49 pm
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*TDSpiral8/27/14 1:54 pm
                             Re: Escalation #9 *SP*Grizzlei8/27/14 3:10 pm
                             Re: Escalation #9 *SP*serpx8/28/14 12:34 am
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*Grizzlei8/27/14 3:02 pm
                             Mind Blownzofinda8/28/14 8:14 pm
                                   Re: Mind Blownserpx8/28/14 11:52 pm
                                         Re: Mind BlownNotTheVacuum8/29/14 8:59 am
                                               Re: Mind Blownserpx8/29/14 9:29 am
                                                     Re: Mind Blownzofinda8/29/14 4:05 pm
                                                           Re: Mind Blownserpx8/29/14 4:37 pm
                                                                 Re: Mind BlownGrizzlei8/29/14 5:01 pm
                                                                       Re: Mind Blownzofinda8/29/14 9:23 pm
                                                           Re: Mind Blownthebruce08/29/14 4:58 pm
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                                               Re: My thoughts.serpx8/31/14 11:57 pm
                                                     Re: My thoughts.Avateur9/1/14 12:21 am
                                                           Re: My thoughts.Quirel9/1/14 11:13 pm
                                                     Re: My thoughts.Quirel9/1/14 2:36 pm
                                               Re: My thoughts.Cody Miller9/1/14 3:32 pm
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*Quirel8/28/14 2:45 am
                       Re: Escalation #9 *SP*ArteenEsben8/28/14 8:24 am
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