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Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny too
Date: 7/7/14 6:03 pm

: I'm a little surprised at you and Hyokin having reservations. I thought you
: guys were posting a lot in DBO. I didn't read your posts so there is that.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any reservations in actually getting the game (I have it pre-ordered for 360, and technically XBO still, even if I still haven't decided when or which next-gen console I will get).

However, Destiny itself isn't making me jump out of seat yet. Again, because I haven't had a tangible experience with it yet. Games to me are an investment in my money, free time, and thought (for analysis and reflection). So you can say my interest stems from the grand scheme of things, just as with Halo, and up until recently they weren't even showing the public bits of the non-PvE parts of the game. Anyway...

If I've posted at DBO yet, it's had to have only been once or twice (I was trying to be active on DestinyHub for a while, but that dog didn't hunt for long).

Messages In This Thread

WTF It's Bungie Day.Morpheus7/7/14 1:35 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Hyokin7/7/14 2:07 pm
           Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 2:46 pm
                 Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 3:07 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooMid7night7/7/14 3:10 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooserpx7/7/14 3:28 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 6:03 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 6:25 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny toodavidfuchs7/7/14 8:27 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/8/14 9:20 am
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooPostmortem7/8/14 2:16 pm
                 I played the Alpha. It was fun. *NM*Gravemind7/7/14 10:44 pm
     Re: Wut?Revenant19887/7/14 2:29 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/7/14 3:05 pm
           ClarificationMorpheus7/7/14 3:22 pm

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