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Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny too
Date: 7/7/14 3:28 pm

: I'm a little surprised at you and Hyokin having reservations. I thought you
: guys were posting a lot in DBO. I didn't read your posts so there is that.

: I going to get it once it can be ordered digitally. I'll try it and then go
: from there. I'll probably have to drop World of Tanks and maybe reduce
: TITANFALL (love that game) a bit.

: I'm guessing Destiny will be my primary game mid 2015. I say this because I
: think all Halo activity will die out before spring. Total guess on that.

I feel like once the Chief Collection comes into play, the Halo community will be alive for a good while, as there's so much coming out between then and Halo 5. And it seems like 343 is trying to keep us all entertained throughout the year by investing in a possible new development team, and doing more projects like TV shows and stuff.

In regards to Destiny, personally, the universe hasn't grabbed me yet. That'll be the deciding factor for me. It was the grab of Halo's universe that made me a fan -- same with any other franchise I'm a fan of.

Messages In This Thread

WTF It's Bungie Day.Morpheus7/7/14 1:35 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Hyokin7/7/14 2:07 pm
           Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 2:46 pm
                 Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 3:07 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooMid7night7/7/14 3:10 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooserpx7/7/14 3:28 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 6:03 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 6:25 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny toodavidfuchs7/7/14 8:27 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/8/14 9:20 am
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooPostmortem7/8/14 2:16 pm
                 I played the Alpha. It was fun. *NM*Gravemind7/7/14 10:44 pm
     Re: Wut?Revenant19887/7/14 2:29 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/7/14 3:05 pm
           ClarificationMorpheus7/7/14 3:22 pm

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