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Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.
Date: 6/11/14 10:26 pm

If you ask me, they didn't put Halo CE:A online because they didn't want it competing with Halo Reach or in the future, Halo 4. In the end though it didn't matter though, Halo 4's online population tanked hard after only a month.

Messages In This Thread

One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Gravemind6/11/14 2:29 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 2:41 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Kal6/11/14 2:44 pm
           Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Aloyisus6/11/14 3:55 pm
                 Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.zofinda6/11/14 4:00 pm
                       Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Bosticman6/11/14 4:20 pm
                             Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 4:34 pm
                                   Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.uberfoop6/11/14 4:49 pm
                 ReCARDO 8 ATL6/11/14 5:28 pm
     Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyes.Revenant19886/11/14 3:59 pm
           Re: Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyebluerunner6/11/14 5:22 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.GeekInABox6/11/14 5:05 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.FyreWulff6/11/14 8:32 pm
           What I want to know isGeneral Vagueness6/13/14 8:44 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Someone6/11/14 10:26 pm

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