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Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.
Date: 6/11/14 4:20 pm

: Kals right. They've said dedicated servers.

Dumb question on dedicated servers. Does this mean if I'm in an xbox party of three others on their own XB1's and I create a custom game (CTF Rockets on Hang 'em High) 343i is hosting the game for our private party of four on their servers?

I spent many many hours playing Halo 1 over XBC and while there would be lag if one was not the host, the lag was very predictable unlike Halo 2 over Xbox live. When we had a party of 5 playing Halo 2 2 versus 3, the team of 2 would always lose over Xbox live but always win over XBC no matter who was the host. The BR and any latency favored the smaller party via system link net code vs Xbox live.

Messages In This Thread

One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Gravemind6/11/14 2:29 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 2:41 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Kal6/11/14 2:44 pm
           Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Aloyisus6/11/14 3:55 pm
                 Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.zofinda6/11/14 4:00 pm
                       Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Bosticman6/11/14 4:20 pm
                             Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 4:34 pm
                                   Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.uberfoop6/11/14 4:49 pm
                 ReCARDO 8 ATL6/11/14 5:28 pm
     Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyes.Revenant19886/11/14 3:59 pm
           Re: Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyebluerunner6/11/14 5:22 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.GeekInABox6/11/14 5:05 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.FyreWulff6/11/14 8:32 pm
           What I want to know isGeneral Vagueness6/13/14 8:44 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Someone6/11/14 10:26 pm

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