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Date: 6/11/14 5:28 pm

: I was going to post about this today, actually. I was wondering if we'd have
: CEA-style lag you get when playing co-op offhost(was that just me? anybody
: else have XBC-like lag playing CEA offhost?). Hope they have a really good
: solution(dedicated servers like Kal said?) for this.

This was a huge reason H1A didn't wow me (well, that and no mp, but I digress). I couldn't play legendary co-op because the lag was unbearable for one person or the other. You both need to be on point in H1 legendary co-op. You can't do that when the gun fires .3 seconds after you pull the trigger.

Messages In This Thread

One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Gravemind6/11/14 2:29 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 2:41 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Kal6/11/14 2:44 pm
           Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Aloyisus6/11/14 3:55 pm
                 Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.zofinda6/11/14 4:00 pm
                       Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Bosticman6/11/14 4:20 pm
                             Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.DHalo6/11/14 4:34 pm
                                   Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.uberfoop6/11/14 4:49 pm
                 ReCARDO 8 ATL6/11/14 5:28 pm
     Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyes.Revenant19886/11/14 3:59 pm
           Re: Being able to LAN is still necessary in my eyebluerunner6/11/14 5:22 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.GeekInABox6/11/14 5:05 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.FyreWulff6/11/14 8:32 pm
           What I want to know isGeneral Vagueness6/13/14 8:44 pm
     Re: One thing I don't get about H1 MP in the MCC.Someone6/11/14 10:26 pm

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