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Re: Could anyone help me with a website?
By:Solo Ono 117
Date: 6/3/14 1:40 am

So my impression is that this website isn't not only hostile but really sarcastic, and I don't mean any offense but you guys seem really rude.

I'm not sure what went wrong with saying that isn't a viable replacement for, because that's just obvious. That doesn't even mean it's worse, but the two websites aren't even related.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.
I just came here to ask for help for this crazy ambitious plan of mine, and I think I was pretty nice, but you guys really don't seem very nice.

Messages In This Thread

Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1175/31/14 10:14 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2405/31/14 10:18 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus5/31/14 10:32 pm
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/2/14 4:43 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:50 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/3/14 1:59 am
                                   Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 2:22 am
                                         Re: Could anyone help me with a website?serpx6/3/14 10:11 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:57 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?General Vagueness6/3/14 2:46 pm
     Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/1/14 1:35 am
           Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/2/14 2:04 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 2:42 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/3/14 2:52 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?uberfoop6/2/14 4:11 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:43 am
                       Oh myCARDO 8 ATL6/3/14 2:00 pm
                             Re: Oh myMacGyver106/3/14 3:38 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Pkmnrulz2406/2/14 8:10 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Hyokin6/2/14 11:33 am
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:40 am
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Louis Wu6/3/14 1:55 am
                             Here, I'll Try And Explain.Morpheus6/3/14 12:53 pm
                             Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Revenant19886/3/14 2:03 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?MacGyver106/2/14 1:55 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Morpheus6/2/14 2:38 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:42 am
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?TDSpiral6/2/14 4:05 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?bluerunner6/2/14 4:48 pm
                       Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Grizzlei6/2/14 5:28 pm
                 /Thread>padraig086/2/14 5:23 pm
                       Re: /Thread>Solo Ono 1176/3/14 1:45 am
                             Re: /Thread>padraig086/3/14 3:12 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/2/14 8:57 pm
                 Re: Could anyone help me with a website?Quirel6/3/14 12:09 am
                 HBO: We meme business. *NM*thebruce06/3/14 9:39 am
                 HBO: We're not the same. Honestly. *NM*NsU Soldier6/3/14 6:12 pm
     Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.UnrealCh13f6/3/14 2:27 pm
           Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.Chewbaccawakka6/3/14 3:00 pm
                 Re: Okay, I figure I might as well help you a bit.thebruce06/3/14 3:19 pm
                 Oh My God, I Love All Of You So Much.Morpheus6/3/14 3:31 pm

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