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Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.
Date: 3/20/14 9:08 pm
In Response To: Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out. (Revenant1988)

: No, not every "fixed" thing. I simply try to pick out the good or
: positive in a sea of the opposite. I appear as one-sided as you do- just
: on the opposite end of the spectrum :P

Not really. I'm consistent. By coming here now and saying that this new thing is like the good old days pretty much makes it sound like all those other "new" things of theirs that improved Halo or made Halo "more like Halo" or whatever were actually off base. They make it sound like all you do is apologize for them and see them as being infallible. So when they come out with some brand "new" playlist or gametype or whatever next month, will that be the biggest bestest closest thing ever to the way Halo was, and this week's "thing" will suddenly not be that anymore?

You appear one-sided because, well, they basically can do no wrong for you. Bungie blew a lot. Reach has so many problems that got bashed on pretty hard over here. All of those problems were mostly related to campaign. Multiplayer problems got hit, but the majority of multiplayer wasn't the issue. Unfortunately for H4, the majority share of problems are actually problems, not positives. Not many saving graces at all.

: There are plenty of things I've not been a fan of, but there were plenty of
: things in Bungie MM that I wasn't a fan of either. What it boils down to,
: is I'm happy that they try. I think they try too hard, honestly. As I've
: said many times, by trying to please everyone, they please no one.

I think it's their job to try to stop the bleeding if they care about money. They do. We'll see how H5 turns out. Also, the whole "by trying to please everyone, they please no one", you totally just gave a "Schooly was right" there. :P

: I don't really know what to tell you other than what I previously listed in
: the first post. It plays like traditional Halo (as close to traditional as
: you can get in Halo 4). Play a game or two and then play a game of
: infinity slayer to compare and see if you agree. Or don't. Whatever. It
: took me 3-4 games before I got into the groove of things, but I'm not
: exactly a pro player.

I plan on trying it out. I hope it's fun at the very least, whether it throws back to the Halo of olde or not.

Messages In This Thread

Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:10 am
     To add: When is variety too much of a good thing?Revenant19883/19/14 11:29 am
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 11:36 am
           Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:49 am
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.munky-0583/19/14 12:11 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/19/14 3:16 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:25 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/20/14 12:33 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:08 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/21/14 4:38 pm
                                         Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:59 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:57 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 3:49 pm
                       HBO: Chat room measuring contest. *NM*uberfoop3/19/14 3:52 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:46 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/19/14 3:57 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.serpx3/19/14 12:27 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Pkmnrulz2403/19/14 9:00 pm

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