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: Saw the new Proving Grounds playlist up and played more than a few matches
: last night and I gotta say that it feels like the Halo I know and love.
: Disclaimer: The intent of this thread is -not- to solicit posts about
: a.) How much 343 or Halo 4 sucks
: b.) Why you'll never play their version of Halo again
: c.) Rabble Rabble Rabble
: d.) Reminding us how you feel about a-c.
: We Cool?
: Ok?
: Ok.
: My impressions
: Um, it actually feels almost like playing in our very own B.Org March Madness
: Tourney that's going on right now. Seriously. That was my first thought.
: It was frustratingly enjoyable. What do I mean when I say that, exactly?
: Well, it IS fun. It is NOT fun to go in alone with randos and get shit on
: by a team that plays as a team (I know, right?).
: A few of the games I played had quitters left and right as soon as they
: started getting killed by team shot. I ain't even mad though, because it
: was their fault for running around like a team of lone wolves instead of
: you know, a team.
: Why, Rev?
: If you are one of those people who miss the more "classic" Halo
: feel from say Halo 2 or 3, you should give this playlist a shot. If you
: are one of those people who hasn't played Halo 4 in forever because it
: just wasn't your style, this might feel more like home. If you do, I
: suggest you go in with a partner at least, if not a team.
: I'm not trying to beg or twist arms or anything like that- if you hate Halo 4
: you hate it- I get it. Your mind has been made up. You'll think I'm wrong
: no matter what I say.
: This is just a simple notification that something new is up and it might be
: worth a try for some of you. If you want to but don't want to go alone,
: let me know and maybe we can party up.
: No armor abilities (except sprint)
: No loadouts
: No instant respawn (Oh em gee, a CONSEQUENCE for dying!)
: Friendly Fire is ON (What!? I have to be careful where I aim those power
: weapons?! Oh noes!)
: Radar
: Power weapons distributed around map (You mean I can't just run off after I
: get enough kills and pwn with personal ordinance? Bull shit!)
: Emphasis on map control around said power weapons (gasp!)
: Much team shot. Many deaths. BR's everywhere. 4 shot is king
: Better to go in with a team, opposed to alone.
: rage quitters everywhere when the other team acts as a team! Surprise!
This playlist rocks. Definitely sucks going solo though. If anyone wants to play tonight, GT = Pkmnrulz240. Tired of Randy. :(