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Proving grounds: You should check it out.
Date: 3/19/14 11:10 am

Had a little bout of insomnia last night and decided to hop on Halo 4 MM, which I haven't done regularly in some time now.

Saw the new Proving Grounds playlist up and played more than a few matches last night and I gotta say that it feels like the Halo I know and love.

Disclaimer: The intent of this thread is -not- to solicit posts about

a.) How much 343 or Halo 4 sucks
b.) Why you'll never play their version of Halo again
c.) Rabble Rabble Rabble
d.) Reminding us how you feel about a-c.

We Cool?



My impressions

Um, it actually feels almost like playing in our very own B.Org March Madness Tourney that's going on right now. Seriously. That was my first thought. It was frustratingly enjoyable. What do I mean when I say that, exactly? Well, it IS fun. It is NOT fun to go in alone with randos and get shit on by a team that plays as a team (I know, right?).

A few of the games I played had quitters left and right as soon as they started getting killed by team shot. I ain't even mad though, because it was their fault for running around like a team of lone wolves instead of you know, a team.

Why, Rev?

If you are one of those people who miss the more "classic" Halo feel from say Halo 2 or 3, you should give this playlist a shot. If you are one of those people who hasn't played Halo 4 in forever because it just wasn't your style, this might feel more like home. If you do, I suggest you go in with a partner at least, if not a team.

I'm not trying to beg or twist arms or anything like that- if you hate Halo 4 you hate it- I get it. Your mind has been made up. You'll think I'm wrong no matter what I say.

This is just a simple notification that something new is up and it might be worth a try for some of you. If you want to but don't want to go alone, let me know and maybe we can party up.

  • No armor abilities (except sprint)

  • No loadouts

  • No instant respawn (Oh em gee, a CONSEQUENCE for dying!)

  • Friendly Fire is ON (What!? I have to be careful where I aim those power weapons?! Oh noes!)

  • Radar

  • Power weapons distributed around map (You mean I can't just run off after I get enough kills and pwn with personal ordinance? Bull shit!)

  • Emphasis on map control around said power weapons (gasp!)

  • Much team shot. Many deaths. BR's everywhere. 4 shot is king

  • Better to go in with a team, opposed to alone.

  • rage quitters everywhere when the other team acts as a team! Surprise!

Messages In This Thread

Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:10 am
     To add: When is variety too much of a good thing?Revenant19883/19/14 11:29 am
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 11:36 am
           Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:49 am
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.munky-0583/19/14 12:11 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/19/14 3:16 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:25 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/20/14 12:33 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:08 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/21/14 4:38 pm
                                         Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:59 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:57 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 3:49 pm
                       HBO: Chat room measuring contest. *NM*uberfoop3/19/14 3:52 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:46 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/19/14 3:57 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.serpx3/19/14 12:27 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Pkmnrulz2403/19/14 9:00 pm

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