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Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.
Date: 3/19/14 12:27 pm
In Response To: Proving grounds: You should check it out. (Revenant1988)

: It was frustratingly enjoyable. What do I mean when I say that, exactly?
: Well, it IS fun. It is NOT fun to go in alone with randos and get shit on
: by a team that plays as a team (I know, right?).

: A few of the games I played had quitters left and right as soon as they
: started getting killed by team shot. I ain't even mad though, because it
: was their fault for running around like a team of lone wolves instead of
: you know, a team.

You may not have wanted this reply either since it's not purely on the subject of Proving Grounds -- my XBL is silver so I can't play it right now, though I'm interested.

My point of brief discussion was the annoyance of randoms versus friends when it comes to playing these team games. Personally I'm frustrated that party chat is the big thing, so I can't communicate with my random teams when I get them. And if party chat wasn't a big thing (Halo 2), it's just a troll fest where everyone uses abusive language (which doesn't bother me, but bothers a high majority). I wish XBL was just more aggressive with temporarily banning people who speak abusive.

I feel like I'd enjoy playing with randoms more than I do now if I could actually talk to them. I'm not a lone wolves kind of guy, and I hate playing with a team that behaves like lone wolves with a common objective.

Messages In This Thread

Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:10 am
     To add: When is variety too much of a good thing?Revenant19883/19/14 11:29 am
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 11:36 am
           Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 11:49 am
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.munky-0583/19/14 12:11 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/19/14 3:16 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:25 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/20/14 12:33 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/20/14 9:08 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Avateur3/21/14 4:38 pm
                                         Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:59 pm
                                   Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.General Vagueness3/23/14 4:57 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Schooly D3/19/14 3:49 pm
                       HBO: Chat room measuring contest. *NM*uberfoop3/19/14 3:52 pm
                       Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Revenant19883/19/14 10:46 pm
                 Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.padraig083/19/14 3:57 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.serpx3/19/14 12:27 pm
     Re: Proving grounds: You should check it out.Pkmnrulz2403/19/14 9:00 pm

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