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Re: Posts like this make me sad...
Date: 2/17/15 2:53 pm
In Response To: Posts like this make me sad... (Archilen)

: ...because they remind me of the incredible potential there is for
: interesting stories and ideas in the Haloverse and the way that potential
: never gets capitalized on. This is probably because most writers hired to
: write for Halo aren't science fiction writers and are uncomfortable with
: ideas that fall outside their experience of mainstream SF like Star Trek,
: et al. So the more alien races like the Lekgolo just disappear for the
: most part so we can get more of the same old UNSC vs. Covenant formula.

: When we do see Lekgolo in an unusual context, they're just a mindless monster
: of the week with no agency (ref: Nightfall). As this thread shows, they
: have potential to be much more than that.

I have a few sketches and a short story called "The Lekgolo Man" from around the time I did that Shield and Sword thing that went to some pretty abstract places. If I go back and revise the crap out of it I may post it here, along with some other odds and ends I've never finished.

I got sick of Spartans/ODST/Marine squad stories in the EU a long time ago. The Marvel comics and a short story or two in Evolutions just hovered around that shtick and killed my interest. I enjoyed the characters of ODST and Reach of course, but the Legendary ending of Halo 3 gave me daydreams full of strange, elusive science fiction...

Messages In This Thread

Lekgolo origins and tamingscarab2/14/15 2:23 pm
     LekgoloODSTscarab2/14/15 2:39 pm
     Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingGrimBrother One2/14/15 2:46 pm
           ooooooo :-)scarab2/14/15 2:53 pm
           Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingArchilen2/16/15 8:22 am
                 Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingscarab2/16/15 12:37 pm
                       Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingStephen L. (SoundEffect)2/16/15 6:31 pm
                             Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingscarab2/17/15 3:04 pm
                                   Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingPostmortem2/19/15 10:26 am
                                         They should have beenscarab2/19/15 11:50 am
                                               Re: They should have beendavidfuchs2/19/15 9:57 pm
     Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingQuirel2/17/15 5:59 am
           Posts like this make me sad...Archilen2/17/15 10:31 am
                 And this is why...thebruce02/17/15 11:38 am
                       Re: And this is why...Cody Miller2/17/15 12:00 pm
                             Re: And this is why...thebruce02/17/15 2:31 pm
                                   Re: And this is why...Quirel2/17/15 3:15 pm
                 Re: Posts like this make me sad...Cody Miller2/17/15 11:59 am
                 Re: Posts like this make me sad...Leviathan2/17/15 2:53 pm
                       Re: Posts like this make me sad...Archilen2/18/15 12:02 pm
                             Wow.Quirel2/18/15 3:15 pm
           Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingscarab2/17/15 4:03 pm
                 Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingQuirel2/18/15 3:13 pm
                       Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingscarab2/19/15 12:08 pm
                             Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingQuirel2/19/15 3:53 pm
           Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingArithmomaniac2/19/15 11:38 pm
                 Re: Lekgolo origins and tamingthebruce02/20/15 9:15 am
     Thanolekgolo ??scarab2/23/15 3:59 pm
           Re: Thanolekgolo ??TDSpiral2/23/15 7:55 pm
                 Tamed or Allies?scarab2/24/15 6:02 am

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