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: When we do see Lekgolo in an unusual context, they're just a mindless monster
: of the week with no agency (ref: Nightfall). As this thread shows, they
: have potential to be much more than that.
...This is why I still love Halo, regardless of what 343i does with it - I still, and will likely always feel, that there is HUGE potential in the Haloverse. 343 may occasionally hit the nail on the head, but if they miss, they're still around and can sense from community when something doesn't jive, as it were, and have more chances to provide content that really gets us going.
My love for Halo is a fundamental love and hope in the universe for storytelling, not based on who "owns" it.
I think they'd do well hiring passionate fan authors who can at the very least provide input and ideas for professional authors, if not write on their own. It is a trade off, of course, and a risk - but community authorship, fan fiction and whatnot, will always be around, and if it gets to the point that community loves community writing more than official writing, then I dunno what'll happen :P
Heaven forbid we end up with fiction like what happened with Twilight fanfic - please, no 50 Shades of Grey spawning from Halo... PLEASENODEARGODNO!
Lekgolo origins and taming | scarab | 2/14/15 2:23 pm |
LekgoloODST | scarab | 2/14/15 2:39 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | GrimBrother One | 2/14/15 2:46 pm |
ooooooo :-) | scarab | 2/14/15 2:53 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Archilen | 2/16/15 8:22 am |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | scarab | 2/16/15 12:37 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Stephen L. (SoundEffect) | 2/16/15 6:31 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | scarab | 2/17/15 3:04 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Postmortem | 2/19/15 10:26 am |
They should have been | scarab | 2/19/15 11:50 am |
Re: They should have been | davidfuchs | 2/19/15 9:57 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Quirel | 2/17/15 5:59 am |
Posts like this make me sad... | Archilen | 2/17/15 10:31 am |
And this is why... | thebruce0 | 2/17/15 11:38 am |
Re: And this is why... | Cody Miller | 2/17/15 12:00 pm |
Re: And this is why... | thebruce0 | 2/17/15 2:31 pm |
Re: And this is why... | Quirel | 2/17/15 3:15 pm |
Re: Posts like this make me sad... | Cody Miller | 2/17/15 11:59 am |
Re: Posts like this make me sad... | Leviathan | 2/17/15 2:53 pm |
Re: Posts like this make me sad... | Archilen | 2/18/15 12:02 pm |
Wow. | Quirel | 2/18/15 3:15 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | scarab | 2/17/15 4:03 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Quirel | 2/18/15 3:13 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | scarab | 2/19/15 12:08 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Quirel | 2/19/15 3:53 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | Arithmomaniac | 2/19/15 11:38 pm |
Re: Lekgolo origins and taming | thebruce0 | 2/20/15 9:15 am |
Thanolekgolo ?? | scarab | 2/23/15 3:59 pm |
Re: Thanolekgolo ?? | TDSpiral | 2/23/15 7:55 pm |
Tamed or Allies? | scarab | 2/24/15 6:02 am |