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Re: It did...
Date: 12/4/14 9:47 am
In Response To: Re: It did... (Stephen L. (SoundEffect))

: I love the Autumn. It's not safe from that either. They could have designed a
: similar level and still fit it in the Autumn, but you'd have to do some
: back and forth to get out.

Yep, say instead of curves and dips, dodging utilities and masses like the hangars in FuD in H4. Some really nice large hangars in there - string a bunch of those together on different levels/floors perhaps and having to take the hog down from floor to floor quickly (elevator not working - drop it first, then fall? try not to flip the hog - lots of spins to stay level :P), a few detours through connected hallways...

It still does confound me as to how the designers justified that entire Maw level :P

Messages In This Thread

Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 3:11 pm
     Nanomachines. *NM*uberfoop11/30/14 3:42 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)davidfuchs11/30/14 3:56 pm
     That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 6:31 pm
           Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 7:43 pm
                 Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:10 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:36 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 9:25 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 11:00 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)The Lionheart11/30/14 8:26 pm
     Good grief...Mid7night11/30/14 9:14 pm
           ...InfinityMid7night11/30/14 9:16 pm
                 Re: ...Infinitydavidfuchs11/30/14 10:00 pm
           Re: Good grief...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 10:58 pm
     That's just... Why?TDSpiral12/1/14 5:31 am
           Re: That's just... Why?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/1/14 7:34 am
     Ridiculous.Gravemind12/1/14 1:13 pm
           Re: Ridiculous.General Vagueness12/1/14 2:34 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Quirel12/1/14 2:48 pm
     It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/1/14 10:58 pm
           Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:42 am
                 Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/2/14 2:11 pm
                       Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/2/14 4:16 pm
                             Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 4:44 pm
                                   Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/3/14 11:59 am
                                         It did...Nikko B20112/3/14 2:02 pm
                                               Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 4:14 pm
                                                     Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 5:13 pm
                                                           Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 5:53 pm
                                                                 Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 9:06 pm
                                                                       Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 9:47 am
                                                                             Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 9:52 am
                                                                                   Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 1:07 pm
                                                                                         Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 4:38 pm
     PerceptionTekkaCroe12/2/14 1:56 am
           Re: PerceptionGeneral Vagueness12/2/14 2:17 am
                 Re: PerceptionPhoenix_928612/2/14 7:39 am
                 Re: PerceptionStephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:45 am
     Warthog Run. Need I say more?Rice12/2/14 2:10 pm

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