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Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)
Date: 11/30/14 3:56 pm
In Response To: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy) (Stephen L. (SoundEffect))

: So I was messing around in 3D Max today working on a side project and I
: pieced together the interior rooms of Halo 4's Forward Unto Dawn. I also
: placed them with the aft section exterior we got from the opening cutscene
: of the level. Then, I also loaded up the Halo 3 version Forward Unto Dawn
: and the Pillar of Autumn from Halo 1 just to see the size discrepancy. I
: knew the Halo 4 ship was bigger than intended, but I wasn't really sure
: how much bigger until I could load them all in the same 3D space. Wow, is
: all I have to say...

: I'm now interested in seeing how this giant FUD will touch down and deploy
: tanks on the Ark in a future Halo 3 Anniversary. :P

: Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn - Playable area inset:

: Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn along with to-scale versions of Halo 3 FUD and Halo
: 1 Pillar of Autumn:

Very cool. I think the most interesting thing is that the playable space is practically the length of the old ship. Like with the PoA dimensions versus playspace, it's interesting how we treat them as rather large constructs from our viewpoint, but if we actually placed a level squarely inside them you'd see how small and constrained they are.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 3:11 pm
     Nanomachines. *NM*uberfoop11/30/14 3:42 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)davidfuchs11/30/14 3:56 pm
     That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 6:31 pm
           Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 7:43 pm
                 Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:10 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:36 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 9:25 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 11:00 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)The Lionheart11/30/14 8:26 pm
     Good grief...Mid7night11/30/14 9:14 pm
           ...InfinityMid7night11/30/14 9:16 pm
                 Re: ...Infinitydavidfuchs11/30/14 10:00 pm
           Re: Good grief...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 10:58 pm
     That's just... Why?TDSpiral12/1/14 5:31 am
           Re: That's just... Why?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/1/14 7:34 am
     Ridiculous.Gravemind12/1/14 1:13 pm
           Re: Ridiculous.General Vagueness12/1/14 2:34 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Quirel12/1/14 2:48 pm
     It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/1/14 10:58 pm
           Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:42 am
                 Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/2/14 2:11 pm
                       Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/2/14 4:16 pm
                             Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 4:44 pm
                                   Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/3/14 11:59 am
                                         It did...Nikko B20112/3/14 2:02 pm
                                               Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 4:14 pm
                                                     Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 5:13 pm
                                                           Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 5:53 pm
                                                                 Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 9:06 pm
                                                                       Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 9:47 am
                                                                             Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 9:52 am
                                                                                   Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 1:07 pm
                                                                                         Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 4:38 pm
     PerceptionTekkaCroe12/2/14 1:56 am
           Re: PerceptionGeneral Vagueness12/2/14 2:17 am
                 Re: PerceptionPhoenix_928612/2/14 7:39 am
                 Re: PerceptionStephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:45 am
     Warthog Run. Need I say more?Rice12/2/14 2:10 pm

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