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Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)
Date: 12/1/14 2:48 pm
In Response To: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy) (Stephen L. (SoundEffect))

It's awesome work you've done but... it just drives home how little care 343i had for visual continuity.

"The challenge with the Forward Unto Dawn was keeping the same balance of shapes to the space ship. The initial ship in Halo 3 felt like an aggregation of boxes, and we wanted to make it look more like a single object. Even if it was different, we wanted it to be identified as the Forward Unto Dawn while still making it a different vessel. There are a lot of similarities, still, if you put them side by side. We also introduced strong burners, which is what we implemented from what would have been seen on Apollo or ships from the 60's."

It doesn't look anything like the Forward Unto Dawn. And the scale is just ludicrous.

By the way, what caliber would those point-defense turrets be?

Messages In This Thread

Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 3:11 pm
     Nanomachines. *NM*uberfoop11/30/14 3:42 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)davidfuchs11/30/14 3:56 pm
     That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 6:31 pm
           Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 7:43 pm
                 Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:10 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 9:12 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.uberfoop11/30/14 9:36 pm
                       Re: That's just absurd.Arithmomaniac11/30/14 9:25 pm
                             Re: That's just absurd.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 11:00 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)The Lionheart11/30/14 8:26 pm
     Good grief...Mid7night11/30/14 9:14 pm
           ...InfinityMid7night11/30/14 9:16 pm
                 Re: ...Infinitydavidfuchs11/30/14 10:00 pm
           Re: Good grief...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)11/30/14 10:58 pm
     That's just... Why?TDSpiral12/1/14 5:31 am
           Re: That's just... Why?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/1/14 7:34 am
     Ridiculous.Gravemind12/1/14 1:13 pm
           Re: Ridiculous.General Vagueness12/1/14 2:34 pm
     Re: Halo 4's FUD size! (image-heavy)Quirel12/1/14 2:48 pm
     It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/1/14 10:58 pm
           Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:42 am
                 Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*hunt3r12/2/14 2:11 pm
                       Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/2/14 4:16 pm
                             Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 4:44 pm
                                   Re: It's WAY larger than infinity *IMG*MacGyver1012/3/14 11:59 am
                                         It did...Nikko B20112/3/14 2:02 pm
                                               Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 4:14 pm
                                                     Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 5:13 pm
                                                           Re: It did...MacGyver1012/3/14 5:53 pm
                                                                 Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/3/14 9:06 pm
                                                                       Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 9:47 am
                                                                             Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 9:52 am
                                                                                   Re: It did...thebruce012/4/14 1:07 pm
                                                                                         Re: It did...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/4/14 4:38 pm
     PerceptionTekkaCroe12/2/14 1:56 am
           Re: PerceptionGeneral Vagueness12/2/14 2:17 am
                 Re: PerceptionPhoenix_928612/2/14 7:39 am
                 Re: PerceptionStephen L. (SoundEffect)12/2/14 7:45 am
     Warthog Run. Need I say more?Rice12/2/14 2:10 pm

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