: I think that is a trope in its own right.
: Introducing, yellow ppolka dot team. Team member special abilities: can fly
: anything good at sneaking can put his hand around his elbow knows the
: names of all the Angels from Captain Scarlet
: I can do one of those four. Guess which?
: Here's a clue: that special ability got be ostracised by nerds for being too
: far beyond the pale.
I don't know the Angels' names or who Captain Scarlet is, but I'm pretty sure that the answer has something to do with Supermarionation.
: So guys...
: What's your long lost Spartan team? team colour? team member special
: abilities? "interesting" character quirks? reason for us not
: having heard of them before?
Coyote Tan Team:
- *Coyote Tan One is the leader, and always has a plan. He also never takes his helmet off, even outside of combat zones. If he is in armor, he is wearing his helmet. If he is out of armor, he is wearing his helmet. If he scrubbing himself in the shower, he is wearing his helmet. Coyote Tan Two theorizes that One might have a pathological fear of snipers.
- *Coyote Tan Two is the medic, and earned an MD in the physiology of each Covenant species so she would know the best ways to kill them. To her great disappointment, the best way always involves shooting them in the center mass until they stop moving.
- *Coyote Tan Three is the ordnance specialist. He also harbors strong, forceful, even fanatical opinions on cartridge design. He has written no less than 56 memos to Admiral Hood demanding that the UNSC's standard small arms cartridge be changed to 6.7x53mm Ringo.
- *Coyote Tan Four is the infiltration specialist, and also the designated driver. Complains loudly when jointly deployed with other SPARTAN IV teams that their garish armor colors are going to give away their position and get them all killed.
We have never heard of Coyote Tan team because they turned down M&M colored armor for camo-textured classic MJOLNIR armor, and are therefore ostracized by the rest of the Spartan IV program.
Midnight Team:
- Midnight One: Role unknown, presumed to be the team leader. Rumored to write all his mission reports with a black sharpie, just to save time.
- Midnight Two: Role unknown, presumed to be second in command. Files all of Midnight One's reports, collects pay, turns the team's MJOLNIR armor in for repair, and represents the team at mission briefings. In spite of all this, neither he nor the rest of Midnight Team have ever been observed by anyone ever.
- Midnight Three: Role unknown, possibly a nonexistent member of the team. His or her presence is inferred from the (Unconfirmed) existence of a Midnight Four.
- Midnight Four: Role unknown, presumed to be either third or fourth in command. May spend his free time on the internet posting wild conspiracy theories about Midnight Team's antics.
- Midnight Five: Role unconfirmed, was supposed to be their handler. Was assigned to Midnight Team in January 2555, has not been seen since.
I could tell you why we have not heard of Midnight Team, but that reason is classified. So is the cover story.
: S4s are just soldiers, they aren't super bright like wot S2s are. I imagine
: they would be snapped up as personal security. I doubt that their
: augmentations could be decommissioned before discharge.
"Just soldiers" is rather disappointing for supersoldiers who bear the Spartan name.
Timothy Zahn wrote a pretty good series about what happens to supersoldiers when they retire from the military. Would have liked to see something similar for Halo, updated from Cobra's Vietnam War roots.