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Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!
Date: 6/1/17 4:07 am

: Would "Even More Spartan teams!" count as "A soldier's
: life/duty"?

I think that is a trope in its own right.

Introducing, yellow ppolka dot team. Team member special abilities:

  1. can fly anything
  2. good at sneaking
  3. can put his hand around his elbow
  4. knows the names of all the Angels from Captain Scarlet

I can do one of those four. Guess which?

Here's a clue: that special ability got be ostracised by nerds for being too far beyond the pale.

So guys...

What's your long lost Spartan team?

  • team colour?
  • team member special abilities?
  • "interesting" character quirks?
  • reason for us not having heard of them before?

: Actually, I would like to see more of the latter. Like, say, what happens
: when a Spartan IV retires? You have a superhuman veteran with
: God-knows-what-health issues, and her augments are classified. How hard
: does life suck for her when the only doctor she can visit is a VA official
: with Top Secret clearance?

S4s are just soldiers, they aren't super bright like wot S2s are. I imagine they would be snapped up as personal security. I doubt that their augmentations could be decommissioned before discharge.

Messages In This Thread

FUDcast #21: Chekhov's Nukedavidfuchs5/31/17 9:31 am
     Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab5/31/17 11:40 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Quirel6/1/17 3:00 am
                 Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/1/17 4:07 am
                       Advanced Spartan training...scarab6/1/17 4:22 am
                             It's been done in battlefield 4scarab6/1/17 4:34 am
                                   Re: It's been done in battlefield 4Quirel6/2/17 1:57 am
                                         Re: It's been done in battlefield 4scarab6/2/17 3:09 am
                                               Re: It's been done in battlefield 4Quirel6/2/17 3:21 am
                       Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Quirel6/2/17 2:06 am
                             Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/2/17 3:29 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!davidfuchs6/1/17 9:20 am
                 Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/1/17 9:43 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Dani6/4/17 6:57 pm
     Darn.Quirel6/1/17 3:02 am
     Thread jack\ Halo FracturesRevenant19886/1/17 7:40 pm
           Re: Thread jack\ Halo Fracturesdavidfuchs6/1/17 8:38 pm
           Re: Thread jack\ Halo FracturesQuirel6/2/17 1:49 am

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