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Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!
Date: 6/1/17 9:20 am
In Response To: Dani: let the apathy flow through you! (scarab)

: To be fair, I quit reading when thingy put the helmet on.

: Where now for Haloverse stories?

: Can we have a moratorium on buried Forerunner macguffins a soldiers life /
: duty Klingon honour

: any others??

: Could we create a Halo EU bingo?

"ONI being bastards" would probably replace the "free" square.

Honestly using classic Halo setups and tropes doesn't innately bother me (and Envoy was well done enough in that regard), I think it mostly grates on me in this specific case because there was a different and IMO more interesting novel that was suggested by the opening third of the book.

The idea of the macguffin gets more problematic than usual, however. How (spoilers) the Forerunners came upon a design for the Sharquoi control device that automatically adapts to its user seems like a massive security issue.

Messages In This Thread

FUDcast #21: Chekhov's Nukedavidfuchs5/31/17 9:31 am
     Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab5/31/17 11:40 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Quirel6/1/17 3:00 am
                 Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/1/17 4:07 am
                       Advanced Spartan training...scarab6/1/17 4:22 am
                             It's been done in battlefield 4scarab6/1/17 4:34 am
                                   Re: It's been done in battlefield 4Quirel6/2/17 1:57 am
                                         Re: It's been done in battlefield 4scarab6/2/17 3:09 am
                                               Re: It's been done in battlefield 4Quirel6/2/17 3:21 am
                       Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Quirel6/2/17 2:06 am
                             Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/2/17 3:29 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!davidfuchs6/1/17 9:20 am
                 Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!scarab6/1/17 9:43 am
           Re: Dani: let the apathy flow through you!Dani6/4/17 6:57 pm
     Darn.Quirel6/1/17 3:02 am
     Thread jack\ Halo FracturesRevenant19886/1/17 7:40 pm
           Re: Thread jack\ Halo Fracturesdavidfuchs6/1/17 8:38 pm
           Re: Thread jack\ Halo FracturesQuirel6/2/17 1:49 am

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