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Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too far
Date: 7/7/15 1:13 am

: In general, better target acquisition would be great. "Coastal
: Highway" is the perfect example of how Buck not recognizing the
: Banshees are the bigger threat results in you dying. Often.

It also didn't help that he was scripted to stop firing when he spoke so we could hear his lines. 343 has said that they have worked on having better context specific dialogue. Maybe that will include knowing when to stop talking and start shooting. I wonder if a linecan be cut short or does it have to play to its end once started.

But all the best AI in the world can't help unless the mission designers know hoe to use it. For example - in Coastal Highway, Buck is scripted to tell us about the turrets because it is expected that we should be doing most of the shooting, "will someone take out that damn turret?". The problem is that you are usually the one driving and it is his responsibility to do the shooting. Either the AI needs to be clever enough to work this one out for itself or the designer needs to script the correct behaviour when designing the level.

Messages In This Thread

I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/6/15 3:50 pm
     Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farDielectric7/6/15 5:54 pm
           Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too fardavidfuchs7/6/15 8:07 pm
                 Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/7/15 1:13 am
           ah, taunt enemy corpse has a lot to answer for *NM*scarab7/7/15 1:05 am
     Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farQuirel7/8/15 12:59 am
           Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/8/15 2:30 pm
                 Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farQuirel7/9/15 6:34 pm

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