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Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too far
Date: 7/8/15 12:59 am

Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

: In another thread: Yakaman asked a question that got me thinking about things
: that have been added to halo over the years.

: I thought that the best thing, the defining thing about the original game was
: its utter simplicity. And you rarely improve simplicity by adding things
: to it.

: Looking back over what was added in h2 and beyond... I don't think I would
: miss many if they were just removed.

I would. There's a great many weapons that would have been great in the original Halo, and it just feels weird not being able to sprint anymore.

: I never liked carrying turrets, their usefulness was so limited that I
: wouldn't miss them if they were gone.

What if they received some kind of buff? If you ask me, the turrets that lasted beyond Halo 3 were underpowered for their role. They were too fragile to stand up to much damage, and mobility is hardly a fair tradeoff for the sharply reduced ammunition capacity. If anything, the ability to carry around the turret is just a bonus feature that lets you fight on after a Wraith mortar takes out the turret.

Now the Missile Pod and the Flamethrower, those were worth carrying around.

: equipment was a bit meh

Ah, but one simple change could have fixed that: Let us carry more than one of the same kind of equipment, just like how we can carry three frag grenades. It's a happy medium between equipment and armor abilities.

: Looks like 343 is adding something to the game that I might like. I am
: shocked. Most of Bungie's additions left me cold.

: The falcon was good - a warthog of the sky.

The Chopper was awesome.
The Hornet would have been awesome if it used the Falcon's control scheme.
The Spectre was awesome, though I would like a different turret and better sideseats if it were to return.
The Revenant was just dandy. It must come back.
Every single Warthog variant is good and must be integrated into future Halo games.

: There was a suggestion that halo 5's squad controls might let you guide the
: warthog whilst gunning. I might have read too much into some article I
: read. But you might get more control over ally behaviour with respect to
: vehicle usage. Letting the AI elect to drive without being told via
: scripts was a big step backward for solo campaigning fun.

Would be nice.

: I'm not sure if weapon swapping with allies is a net gain or a bit of a pain.
: Trying to organize ally positions and weapon selections on vehicles was
: often a distracting dance - you weren't really playing a shooter - you
: were playing a cat herding simulator. Was the fun of driving a tooled up
: troop hog or Scorpion really worth the hassle of trying to sort out who
: had what, where they sat, and chasing after them when they drive the
: vehicle away as you try to pick up a dropped FRG?

There's a fix for that: See below.

: It would be nice if 343 has had a good look at all this and have tidied it up
: in a major AI overhaul. I hope this is what they have done instead of just
: doing the bare minimum to add squad commands.

: Does anyone else have any other AI wishes?


-When you're driving a Scorpion, Warthog, Hornet, or any other vehicle with passengers, pressing the up button on the D-Pad orders them to dismount if you're slow, stationary, or reasonably close to the ground.

-Pressing down on the D-Pad orders them to stay in the vehicle after you dismount.

-Pressing right on the D-Pad orders them to get in the vehicle and drive after you dismount.

-Clicking the thumb stick orders them to focus fire on the enemy your reticle is pointing at.

-Corpse-taunting only happens when all the enemies are killed or no enemies are currently focused on you. In addition, there is a four-second delay between killing an enemy and shooting the corpse.

-When a friendly AI is in a jumpseat (Passenger space without a weapon, like the bogies on a Scorpion or the passenger seat of a Warthog or Spectre) the prompt is "Press X to swap weapons", not "Press X to enter vehicle".

Messages In This Thread

I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/6/15 3:50 pm
     Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farDielectric7/6/15 5:54 pm
           Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too fardavidfuchs7/6/15 8:07 pm
                 Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/7/15 1:13 am
           ah, taunt enemy corpse has a lot to answer for *NM*scarab7/7/15 1:05 am
     Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farQuirel7/8/15 12:59 am
           Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farscarab7/8/15 2:30 pm
                 Re: I thought dual wielding was a step too farQuirel7/9/15 6:34 pm

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