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Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector edi
Date: 6/18/15 9:49 pm

: Wait a can "predownload" the game...but not play it?
: What the hell?

: --Lex

Pre-downloading allows the buyer to (theoretically) play the game at midnight launch, just like if you had went out to a store and bought it at midnight launch. This is attractive to players who don't want to go out or wait for it to ship by purchasing online. It's also very common with PC games.

In addition, it's also supposed to help ease the load on the servers day one. If digital purchasers couldn't pre-load the game early, everyone would try to download at the same time, which can cause issues (of course, this doesn't magically solve day 1 server issues,but it may help somewhat)

As for playing early, that should be self explanatory. You get to pre-load it, but can't play it until official launch, just as if it were a physical disk.

Messages In This Thread

Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector editionRevenant19886/18/15 11:37 am
     Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediPkmnrulz2406/18/15 12:30 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 12:36 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrimBrother One6/18/15 1:16 pm
                       But...ChrisTheeCrappy6/18/15 1:21 pm
                             Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:28 pm
                                   Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:30 pm
                                         Re: But...Revenant19886/18/15 2:26 pm
                                         Re: But...thebruce06/18/15 4:22 pm
                                               Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 6:03 pm
                                                     Okay, so...Azo 'Galvat6/18/15 6:53 pm
                                                     Re: But...thebruce06/19/15 9:25 am
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:27 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 9:49 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:41 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/18/15 9:59 pm
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/22/15 11:28 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/23/15 12:13 am
                                   Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis7/9/15 3:57 pm

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