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Okay, so...
By:Azo 'Galvat
Date: 6/18/15 6:53 pm
In Response To: Re: But... (GrimBrother One)

The LCE comes out a week early and comes with a code to preload the game to avoid clogging the servers day one (which will happen anyway with the digital copies). Is this correct? If this is to help those with horrid internet connections, would this not be avoided entirely with a physical copy?

Messages In This Thread

Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector editionRevenant19886/18/15 11:37 am
     Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediPkmnrulz2406/18/15 12:30 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 12:36 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrimBrother One6/18/15 1:16 pm
                       But...ChrisTheeCrappy6/18/15 1:21 pm
                             Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:28 pm
                                   Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:30 pm
                                         Re: But...Revenant19886/18/15 2:26 pm
                                         Re: But...thebruce06/18/15 4:22 pm
                                               Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 6:03 pm
                                                     Okay, so...Azo 'Galvat6/18/15 6:53 pm
                                                     Re: But...thebruce06/19/15 9:25 am
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:27 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 9:49 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:41 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/18/15 9:59 pm
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/22/15 11:28 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/23/15 12:13 am
                                   Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis7/9/15 3:57 pm

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