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Re: But...
By:GrimBrother One
Date: 6/18/15 1:30 pm
In Response To: Re: But... (GrimBrother One)

: 78% N, 21% O

: Give or take...

In all seriousness, there have been multiple games recently that offered a collectible SteelBook (which I'm obsessed with) that was "empty", even when it came with the physical disc! For example, the MCC overseas LCE as well as the recent MKX LCE both came with empty SteelBooks, as well as the regular game case that held the disc. Which, frankly, is the perfect scenario in my opinion, as I want ALL TEH THINGS on my shelf.


Messages In This Thread

Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector editionRevenant19886/18/15 11:37 am
     Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediPkmnrulz2406/18/15 12:30 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 12:36 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrimBrother One6/18/15 1:16 pm
                       But...ChrisTheeCrappy6/18/15 1:21 pm
                             Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:28 pm
                                   Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:30 pm
                                         Re: But...Revenant19886/18/15 2:26 pm
                                         Re: But...thebruce06/18/15 4:22 pm
                                               Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 6:03 pm
                                                     Okay, so...Azo 'Galvat6/18/15 6:53 pm
                                                     Re: But...thebruce06/19/15 9:25 am
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:27 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 9:49 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:41 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/18/15 9:59 pm
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/22/15 11:28 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/23/15 12:13 am
                                   Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis7/9/15 3:57 pm

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