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Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector edi
Date: 6/18/15 9:41 pm

: I'm seeing that the Collectors Edition doesn't actually contain a physical
: copy of the game, but rather, a download code. Seriously? Nothing like
: forking over $250, and then having to wait to download the game while the
: servers get slammed on Day 1.

Oh and now that I know that the "only" extra that it includes over the Collector's Edition is a statue (that I don't give a care about) and does not include a physical copy of the game, looks like I'm downgrading. *shrug* Too bad.


Messages In This Thread

Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector editionRevenant19886/18/15 11:37 am
     Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediPkmnrulz2406/18/15 12:30 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 12:36 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrimBrother One6/18/15 1:16 pm
                       But...ChrisTheeCrappy6/18/15 1:21 pm
                             Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:28 pm
                                   Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 1:30 pm
                                         Re: But...Revenant19886/18/15 2:26 pm
                                         Re: But...thebruce06/18/15 4:22 pm
                                               Re: But...GrimBrother One6/18/15 6:03 pm
                                                     Okay, so...Azo 'Galvat6/18/15 6:53 pm
                                                     Re: But...thebruce06/19/15 9:25 am
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:27 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediRevenant19886/18/15 9:49 pm
           Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/18/15 9:41 pm
                 Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/18/15 9:59 pm
                       Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis6/22/15 11:28 pm
                             Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediGrizzlei6/23/15 12:13 am
                                   Re: Halo will never miss a beta + H5 collector ediAlexis7/9/15 3:57 pm

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