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Re: The figure at the end...
Date: 6/16/15 7:21 am
In Response To: Re: The figure at the end... (davidfuchs)

: It's been a hundred thousand years since Silentium, though. Not surprised
: there have been some changes and new faces on the block :)

I know, it's just that every time they introduce things like this I can't help but be reminded of the huge gap that exists between the mythos Greg Bear created with the Forerunner books and the way 343i's own writers and artists are appropriating ideas from that mythos.

It's almost as if the Forerunner books were too good, too highbrow, for the kind of story 343i is telling. It benefits them because they're pretty well liked books and they're full of ideas ripe to be cannibalized, but at the same time I think they created very unrealistic expectations as to what to expect from the Forerunners as the veil of mystery surrounding them is lifted.

I mean, let's look at the Prometheans. Bear paints very rich images of campaigns waged across star systems, suits of armor worn by singular combatants "decimating cities". Esoteric defenses that span higher dimensions. War drones deployed by the millions as a routine tactic. Weapons that aren't pew pew guns, but rather sophisticated electronic warfare fields that disable your enemy's AIs and proceed to physically dismantle their ship piece by piece.

...and then, when we get to meet these mythic warriors of old, they're basically on par with the UNSC and Covenant with an entirely matching categorical arsenal. And they look like Michael Bay's Transformers. There's no elegance, no larger-than-life majesty, to them. Everything about them is very banal. I suppose it's like comparing Rendezvous With Rama and The Amazing Spider-Man.

The same applies to the Domain and its guardians. I don't know if it's just me, but I always expected the keepers of this incomprehensibly ancient magic space internet to be something more elegant and subtle, maybe even mystical in a way. Something that isn't a big buff robot with a skull face that you fight and kill, anyway.

But like I said, maybe that's just a case of unrealistic expectations on my part.

Messages In This Thread

E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:47 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*SEspider6/15/15 12:53 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:56 pm
     Video hereUrban Reflex6/15/15 12:58 pm
           Story trailer here!!Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:59 pm
           The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 2:14 pm
                 Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/15/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...Revenant19886/15/15 2:23 pm
                       AgreedSEspider6/15/15 3:26 pm
                             Re: Agreedzofinda6/15/15 3:29 pm
                                   Re: AgreedUrban Reflex6/15/15 5:10 pm
                             ElitesArchilen6/16/15 3:06 am
                       Re: The figure at the end...zofinda6/15/15 3:37 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 5:11 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...davidfuchs6/15/15 7:31 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/16/15 7:21 am
                                   Pretty much this. *NM*Quirel6/17/15 2:24 am
     Re: E3 *SP*Dervish6/15/15 1:21 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Revenant19886/15/15 1:39 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Harmanimus6/16/15 10:00 am
                       Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 10:39 am
                             Re: E3 *SP*SPU7N1K6/16/15 11:00 am
                                   Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:03 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 11:10 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:20 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*breitzen6/16/15 11:18 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:23 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Quirel6/17/15 2:40 am
           Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 2:17 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Phoenix_92866/15/15 4:16 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 8:55 pm
           Meh.pngmunky-0586/15/15 6:26 pm
     I REGRET EVERYTHING *NM*Archilen6/15/15 2:05 pm
           I've missed those grunts so much. *NM*Apollo6/15/15 2:12 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*Moorpheusl96/15/15 2:39 pm
     Stop being a Perv, Chief.gamerguy20026/15/15 3:50 pm
     Halo @ E3 *SP*MacGyver106/15/15 5:17 pm
     "Warzone" looks cool. How customizable is it?General Vagueness6/15/15 6:52 pm
     Speaking of customizationGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 8:31 pm

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