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Re: E3 *SP*
Date: 6/15/15 4:16 pm
In Response To: Re: E3 *SP* (Dervish)

: Gameplay was kinda meh, to be honest. Lots of non-interactive background
: noise that looked like it could have come from any random shooter. I'm a
: lot more interested in the fiction, and seeing where all this is going.


I was psyched when it started with Buck, only for them to lose me entirely (again) about two minutes later.

How many E3s did we sit through with Call of Duty front and center first thing? This was literally no different. It looked so heavily scripted, and so full of obvious quick time events, that I wanted to vomit because of how boring it looked.

So yeah, color me disappointed and uninterested.

Warzone looked kind of interesting? I guess? His explanation was pretty awful, and the trailer seemed to be similarly lacking in helpful substance. It's what, red vs blue vs ai? Or something? With objectives? Which could be cool, only I hated Halo 4, and this is more of the same x10, so count me out.

The rest of the show was pretty sick though. I'm super psyched for Fallout, which is getting some sort of mod support. I'm super psyched we're getting Elite Dangerous, cause that looks awesome. I'm super psyched we're getting a new Gears with characters that aren't Delta Squad (although I'm kinda wondering wtf happened to make things shit on Sera all over again). Backwards compatibility of any form is AWESOME, so I hope it pans out and is better than the 360's. The HoloLens demo was sick, but I'm skeptical about actual performance, and I'd like to see it demo something more than Minecraft. And my first impression of Sea of Thieves is that it's a game I have to own RIGHT NOW. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

So I guess that's pretty official. Gone are the days anything with "Halo" on it had me pumped, and gone are the days I picked up the latest title Day One. Not even Nathan Fillion is enough to reel me in. :(

So that's pretty official for me then. Gone are the days

Messages In This Thread

E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:47 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*SEspider6/15/15 12:53 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:56 pm
     Video hereUrban Reflex6/15/15 12:58 pm
           Story trailer here!!Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:59 pm
           The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 2:14 pm
                 Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/15/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...Revenant19886/15/15 2:23 pm
                       AgreedSEspider6/15/15 3:26 pm
                             Re: Agreedzofinda6/15/15 3:29 pm
                                   Re: AgreedUrban Reflex6/15/15 5:10 pm
                             ElitesArchilen6/16/15 3:06 am
                       Re: The figure at the end...zofinda6/15/15 3:37 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 5:11 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...davidfuchs6/15/15 7:31 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/16/15 7:21 am
                                   Pretty much this. *NM*Quirel6/17/15 2:24 am
     Re: E3 *SP*Dervish6/15/15 1:21 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Revenant19886/15/15 1:39 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Harmanimus6/16/15 10:00 am
                       Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 10:39 am
                             Re: E3 *SP*SPU7N1K6/16/15 11:00 am
                                   Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:03 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 11:10 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:20 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*breitzen6/16/15 11:18 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:23 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Quirel6/17/15 2:40 am
           Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 2:17 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Phoenix_92866/15/15 4:16 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 8:55 pm
           Meh.pngmunky-0586/15/15 6:26 pm
     I REGRET EVERYTHING *NM*Archilen6/15/15 2:05 pm
           I've missed those grunts so much. *NM*Apollo6/15/15 2:12 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*Moorpheusl96/15/15 2:39 pm
     Stop being a Perv, Chief.gamerguy20026/15/15 3:50 pm
     Halo @ E3 *SP*MacGyver106/15/15 5:17 pm
     "Warzone" looks cool. How customizable is it?General Vagueness6/15/15 6:52 pm
     Speaking of customizationGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 8:31 pm

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