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Date: 6/15/15 6:26 pm
In Response To: Re: E3 *SP* (Dervish)

: Gameplay was kinda meh, to be honest. Lots of non-interactive background
: noise that looked like it could have come from any random shooter. I'm a
: lot more interested in the fiction, and seeing where all this is going.

Tons of Call of Duty scripted sequences that looked kind of meh. It's one of those things where you're completely safe and just walking down a path while stuff goes boom and people scream, but you could take your time with it.
I did like the small bits that they ripped from Republic Commando. That's only ever a good thing.

: Nice to have talking enemies again, including apparently some of the
: Prometheans. Perhaps hearing their perspective throughout the game will
: give them more of a narrative point.

I did like that, and stuff like Hunter worms assembling into a Mgalekgolo... But the combat itself was bland. 343 insists on making the Prometheans happen, so maybe the new classes and their combat dialogue will help.

Messages In This Thread

E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:47 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*SEspider6/15/15 12:53 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:56 pm
     Video hereUrban Reflex6/15/15 12:58 pm
           Story trailer here!!Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:59 pm
           The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 2:14 pm
                 Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/15/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...Revenant19886/15/15 2:23 pm
                       AgreedSEspider6/15/15 3:26 pm
                             Re: Agreedzofinda6/15/15 3:29 pm
                                   Re: AgreedUrban Reflex6/15/15 5:10 pm
                             ElitesArchilen6/16/15 3:06 am
                       Re: The figure at the end...zofinda6/15/15 3:37 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 5:11 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...davidfuchs6/15/15 7:31 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/16/15 7:21 am
                                   Pretty much this. *NM*Quirel6/17/15 2:24 am
     Re: E3 *SP*Dervish6/15/15 1:21 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Revenant19886/15/15 1:39 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Harmanimus6/16/15 10:00 am
                       Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 10:39 am
                             Re: E3 *SP*SPU7N1K6/16/15 11:00 am
                                   Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:03 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 11:10 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:20 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*breitzen6/16/15 11:18 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:23 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Quirel6/17/15 2:40 am
           Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 2:17 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Phoenix_92866/15/15 4:16 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 8:55 pm
           Meh.pngmunky-0586/15/15 6:26 pm
     I REGRET EVERYTHING *NM*Archilen6/15/15 2:05 pm
           I've missed those grunts so much. *NM*Apollo6/15/15 2:12 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*Moorpheusl96/15/15 2:39 pm
     Stop being a Perv, Chief.gamerguy20026/15/15 3:50 pm
     Halo @ E3 *SP*MacGyver106/15/15 5:17 pm
     "Warzone" looks cool. How customizable is it?General Vagueness6/15/15 6:52 pm
     Speaking of customizationGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 8:31 pm

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