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Halo @ E3 *SP*
Date: 6/15/15 5:17 pm
In Response To: E3 *SP* (Urban Reflex)

: MS E3 briefing has started with Halo 5. Concentrated on Locke's team, looks
: like that thing we saw last year IS a Guardian, and the Chief is hunting
: it? I wonder what it is....

This one environment shown in the demo today has made up for the last two Halo games combined. I felt both Reach and 4 had very bland environments, the one they showed off today is leaps and bounds ahead of the recent fare.

I like to see the expansion of the Spartan's abilities in-game. I've found myself multiple times in Destiny lately trying to 'jump-jet strafe' and can't wait to play some Halo 5 again for that feature.

12v12vE Big Team Battles at this scale are what I've wanted in Halo for a while. I know it's not everyone's cup-o-tea, but I'm super excited about that! Flying vehicles, ground vehicles, 12 players per team, AI enemies, objectives and more all combined into one mode will get a lot more play time from me than Arena ever will.

Thought it was cool in the cutscene for the Arbiter to rib Locke a good bit. That line was delivered so well too!

I'm actually a fan of most of the armor permutations in Halo 5 we've seen so far (except for maybe Linda's) and like how their armor is an extension of their roles as soldiers. Besides, I've seen ALOT worse armor out there in other games than what we've seen in Halo.

- MacGyver10

Messages In This Thread

E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:47 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*SEspider6/15/15 12:53 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:56 pm
     Video hereUrban Reflex6/15/15 12:58 pm
           Story trailer here!!Urban Reflex6/15/15 12:59 pm
           The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 2:14 pm
                 Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/15/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...Revenant19886/15/15 2:23 pm
                       AgreedSEspider6/15/15 3:26 pm
                             Re: Agreedzofinda6/15/15 3:29 pm
                                   Re: AgreedUrban Reflex6/15/15 5:10 pm
                             ElitesArchilen6/16/15 3:06 am
                       Re: The figure at the end...zofinda6/15/15 3:37 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Urban Reflex6/15/15 5:11 pm
                       Re: The figure at the end...davidfuchs6/15/15 7:31 pm
                             Re: The figure at the end...Archilen6/16/15 7:21 am
                                   Pretty much this. *NM*Quirel6/17/15 2:24 am
     Re: E3 *SP*Dervish6/15/15 1:21 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Revenant19886/15/15 1:39 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Harmanimus6/16/15 10:00 am
                       Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 10:39 am
                             Re: E3 *SP*SPU7N1K6/16/15 11:00 am
                                   Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:03 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Archilen6/16/15 11:10 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:20 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*breitzen6/16/15 11:18 am
                                               Re: E3 *SP*Grizzlei6/16/15 11:23 am
                                         Re: E3 *SP*Quirel6/17/15 2:40 am
           Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 2:17 pm
           Re: E3 *SP*Phoenix_92866/15/15 4:16 pm
                 Re: E3 *SP*Apollo6/15/15 8:55 pm
           Meh.pngmunky-0586/15/15 6:26 pm
     I REGRET EVERYTHING *NM*Archilen6/15/15 2:05 pm
           I've missed those grunts so much. *NM*Apollo6/15/15 2:12 pm
     Re: E3 *SP*Moorpheusl96/15/15 2:39 pm
     Stop being a Perv, Chief.gamerguy20026/15/15 3:50 pm
     Halo @ E3 *SP*MacGyver106/15/15 5:17 pm
     "Warzone" looks cool. How customizable is it?General Vagueness6/15/15 6:52 pm
     Speaking of customizationGeneral Vagueness6/15/15 8:31 pm

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