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Re: Not an excuse.
Date: 6/16/15 3:20 am
In Response To: Re: Not an excuse. (Archilen)

: Well, I never said that the Von Neumann solution had to be really workable,
: just something that looks feasible on paper. The Didact is essentially a
: pawn for the Gravemind, but from what we see he's not supposed to be
: completely bananas. To think of him as just madly obsessed and backed to
: a corner gives much more weight to his character than just making him
: utterly and incomprehensibly irrational.

: Like you said the Prometheans should look like something a strategic
: mastermind like him could reasonably concoct as an absolute last resort,
: the kind of plan the Forerunners would've never entertained in their prime
: because of all the moral baggage associated with the Mantle. And it would
: provide an ironic mirror to the Flood with the whole composition and
: hegemonizing swarm thing (you could have Promethean ships armed with
: Composers sweeping sentient-inhabited planets for more "souls"
: before the planets themselves are harvested for raw materials).

Ok. Agreed.

Messages In This Thread

Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 2:00 pm
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*zofinda6/12/15 3:28 pm
     Alien spacesGrizzlei6/12/15 3:39 pm
           Re: Alien spacesPkmnrulz2406/12/15 11:13 pm
                 Re: Alien spacesGrizzlei6/12/15 11:39 pm
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*asa6/12/15 3:47 pm
           Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*thebruce06/12/15 5:23 pm
                 Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 5:30 pm
                 Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*asa6/12/15 8:16 pm
     Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitement...Quirel6/12/15 4:40 pm
           Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenasa6/12/15 4:43 pm
                 Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 5:33 pm
                       Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenzofinda6/12/15 5:44 pm
                       Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenQuirel6/12/15 5:52 pm
                             Promethean New UnitBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 9:36 pm
                                   Re: Promethean New UnitGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 3:07 pm
                                         Has it actually got a troll face?scarab6/13/15 6:24 pm
                             Why bother with limbs?scarab6/13/15 4:08 am
                                   Re: Why bother with limbs?Archilen6/13/15 4:25 am
                                         Re: Why bother with limbs?davidfuchs6/13/15 2:16 pm
                                               Re: Why bother with limbs?Quirel6/13/15 11:55 pm
                                   Because the Didact is nuts and also a bit cliche.Gravemind6/13/15 2:28 pm
                                         Not an excuse.Quirel6/14/15 1:49 am
                                               Re: Not an excuse.Archilen6/14/15 9:05 am
                                                     Aren't Promethean Knights composed humans? *NM*scarab6/14/15 6:31 pm
                                                           Re: Aren't Promethean Knights composed humans?Archilen6/14/15 11:53 pm
                                                                 Ah! Thanks. *NM*scarab6/15/15 8:19 am
                                                     Re: Not an excuse.Quirel6/15/15 2:04 am
                                                           Re: Not an excuse.Archilen6/15/15 2:51 am
                                                                 Re: Not an excuse.Quirel6/16/15 3:20 am
                                               I know.Gravemind6/14/15 12:37 pm
                             They even have guards to protect their no kneesscarab6/13/15 4:22 am
                                   Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeArchilen6/13/15 4:38 am
                                         Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneescarab6/13/15 5:05 am
                                               Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeVincent6/13/15 9:23 am
                                                     The military lets you pick the ambiance andscarab6/13/15 6:28 pm
                                                     Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeQuirel6/14/15 2:03 am
                                               Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 7:45 pm
                                   Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeQuirel6/14/15 2:04 am
           Really?!The BS Police6/12/15 7:54 pm
                 Promethean Fighting style theoryBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 8:38 pm
                 Ja really.Quirel6/12/15 11:28 pm
                       Infinitesimally less butt ugly...scarab6/13/15 4:11 am
                             I saw you jump into the conversation...Quirel6/14/15 1:39 am
                       Re: Ja really.Archilen6/13/15 4:18 am
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*General Vagueness6/12/15 6:18 pm
           Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Quirel6/12/15 6:24 pm
           grunts actually got some changesBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 6:44 pm
                 That's almost worse. *NM*Quirel6/12/15 6:53 pm
                       ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 7:15 pm
                             Ja, pretty much. *NM*Quirel6/12/15 7:17 pm
                 Re: grunts actually got some changesGravemind6/12/15 8:23 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changesApollo6/12/15 10:08 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changeszofinda6/12/15 10:32 pm
                             They are a ring species - just like Cortanascarab6/13/15 4:37 am
                 Re: grunts actually got some changesGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 3:06 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changesBounce-A-Gon6/13/15 4:01 pm
                             Re: grunts actually got some changesGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 4:34 pm
     Although I do not have an XBOX One...robofin1176/12/15 8:28 pm
     DBNO? Commandable squads?Azo 'Galvat6/12/15 10:27 pm
     Promethean Soldierhunt3r6/13/15 4:02 am
           warning tin foil hat theory above ^ *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/13/15 1:19 pm
           +1 *NM*Grizzlei6/13/15 1:58 pm
           Re: Promethean Soldierzofinda6/13/15 6:51 pm
                 Re: Promethean Soldierhunt3r6/14/15 9:33 pm
           Nope.Quirel6/14/15 1:57 am

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