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Re: Not an excuse.
Date: 6/15/15 2:04 am
In Response To: Re: Not an excuse. (Archilen)

: Essentially going
: full Von Neumann on the galaxy, and making the Didact's solution grimly
: pragmatic rather than completely batshit insane.

Everything except the above is spot-on.

In Silentium, the Didact was captured by the Precursor, tortured, and released back to Forerunner space. The Precursor's plan was that the Didact would twist the Mantle around and fight the Flood in a way that hurts the Forerunner strategically and damns them morally. Whatever plan the Didact hatched, it should have looked reasonable and even inspired, but offer no hope of success.

The Prometheans check that latter criteria off, but not the former.

Thinking about Composing, I think it could have fit into the Primordial's plans. Maybe organic-derived AI (Rare by Forerunner standards. They have much better ways of seeding AI) seemed like the best of both worlds, immune to the Logic Plague and incapable of being infected by the Flood. The obvious route is to tailor organic-derived AI to make them perfect for combat and craft an appropriate vessel.

The problem is, the immunity of organic-derived AI was a lie, just like the cure to the shaping sickness. It's merely a facet of the Precursor's overall plan to make the Forerunner's last stand as painful and degrading as possible. The tweaks the Didact makes to the AIs will only make their suffering worse.

All that's needed to make that work is a weapon system that poses a credible threat to a galaxy-sized Flood infestation. Prometheans and Borg-designed armor ain't it.

Messages In This Thread

Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 2:00 pm
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*zofinda6/12/15 3:28 pm
     Alien spacesGrizzlei6/12/15 3:39 pm
           Re: Alien spacesPkmnrulz2406/12/15 11:13 pm
                 Re: Alien spacesGrizzlei6/12/15 11:39 pm
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*asa6/12/15 3:47 pm
           Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*thebruce06/12/15 5:23 pm
                 Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 5:30 pm
                 Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*asa6/12/15 8:16 pm
     Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitement...Quirel6/12/15 4:40 pm
           Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenasa6/12/15 4:43 pm
                 Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 5:33 pm
                       Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenzofinda6/12/15 5:44 pm
                       Re: Just when I was feeling a modicum of excitemenQuirel6/12/15 5:52 pm
                             Promethean New UnitBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 9:36 pm
                                   Re: Promethean New UnitGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 3:07 pm
                                         Has it actually got a troll face?scarab6/13/15 6:24 pm
                             Why bother with limbs?scarab6/13/15 4:08 am
                                   Re: Why bother with limbs?Archilen6/13/15 4:25 am
                                         Re: Why bother with limbs?davidfuchs6/13/15 2:16 pm
                                               Re: Why bother with limbs?Quirel6/13/15 11:55 pm
                                   Because the Didact is nuts and also a bit cliche.Gravemind6/13/15 2:28 pm
                                         Not an excuse.Quirel6/14/15 1:49 am
                                               Re: Not an excuse.Archilen6/14/15 9:05 am
                                                     Aren't Promethean Knights composed humans? *NM*scarab6/14/15 6:31 pm
                                                           Re: Aren't Promethean Knights composed humans?Archilen6/14/15 11:53 pm
                                                                 Ah! Thanks. *NM*scarab6/15/15 8:19 am
                                                     Re: Not an excuse.Quirel6/15/15 2:04 am
                                                           Re: Not an excuse.Archilen6/15/15 2:51 am
                                                                 Re: Not an excuse.Quirel6/16/15 3:20 am
                                               I know.Gravemind6/14/15 12:37 pm
                             They even have guards to protect their no kneesscarab6/13/15 4:22 am
                                   Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeArchilen6/13/15 4:38 am
                                         Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneescarab6/13/15 5:05 am
                                               Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeVincent6/13/15 9:23 am
                                                     The military lets you pick the ambiance andscarab6/13/15 6:28 pm
                                                     Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeQuirel6/14/15 2:03 am
                                               Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 7:45 pm
                                   Re: They even have guards to protect their no kneeQuirel6/14/15 2:04 am
           Really?!The BS Police6/12/15 7:54 pm
                 Promethean Fighting style theoryBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 8:38 pm
                 Ja really.Quirel6/12/15 11:28 pm
                       Infinitesimally less butt ugly...scarab6/13/15 4:11 am
                             I saw you jump into the conversation...Quirel6/14/15 1:39 am
                       Re: Ja really.Archilen6/13/15 4:18 am
     Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*General Vagueness6/12/15 6:18 pm
           Re: Ready up live Halo 5 info dump *spoilers*Quirel6/12/15 6:24 pm
           grunts actually got some changesBounce-A-Gon6/12/15 6:44 pm
                 That's almost worse. *NM*Quirel6/12/15 6:53 pm
                       ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/12/15 7:15 pm
                             Ja, pretty much. *NM*Quirel6/12/15 7:17 pm
                 Re: grunts actually got some changesGravemind6/12/15 8:23 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changesApollo6/12/15 10:08 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changeszofinda6/12/15 10:32 pm
                             They are a ring species - just like Cortanascarab6/13/15 4:37 am
                 Re: grunts actually got some changesGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 3:06 pm
                       Re: grunts actually got some changesBounce-A-Gon6/13/15 4:01 pm
                             Re: grunts actually got some changesGeneral Vagueness6/13/15 4:34 pm
     Although I do not have an XBOX One...robofin1176/12/15 8:28 pm
     DBNO? Commandable squads?Azo 'Galvat6/12/15 10:27 pm
     Promethean Soldierhunt3r6/13/15 4:02 am
           warning tin foil hat theory above ^ *NM*Bounce-A-Gon6/13/15 1:19 pm
           +1 *NM*Grizzlei6/13/15 1:58 pm
           Re: Promethean Soldierzofinda6/13/15 6:51 pm
                 Re: Promethean Soldierhunt3r6/14/15 9:33 pm
           Nope.Quirel6/14/15 1:57 am

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