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Re: The Carver Findings
By:Stephen L. (SoundEffect)
Date: 6/6/15 5:08 pm
In Response To: Re: The Carver Findings (Grizzlei)

: The Carver Findings are an excellent addition to the universe and I'd totally
: love to see his report in full. However, you have to wonder just how much
: of it isn't steeped in Carver's potential tolerance or support of
: imperialism, colonialism, militarism, capitalism, and a whole buffet of
: other isms to boot. People seem to always hold academics in high regard
: when they can be just as biased or prejudiced as the radio talk show host,
: using their status and perceived intellect as a shield.

I'm not sure if he had that sort of bias or not. Considering that after his findings were made known to the government/military and that the insurrection actually started, he killed himself over the grief that his report may have actually triggered the catastrophe his findings predicted.

Messages In This Thread

Team HalseyKal6/5/15 9:51 am
     Re: Team HalseyHarmanimus6/5/15 10:46 am
           Re: Team Halseyasa6/5/15 12:12 pm
           Re: Team HalseyAlexis6/9/15 5:53 am
                 Re: Team Halseythebruce06/9/15 9:20 am
                 Re: Team Halseydavidfuchs6/9/15 12:54 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyArchilen6/9/15 1:44 pm
     The Carver FindingsPostmortem6/5/15 12:18 pm
           Re: The Carver FindingsGrizzlei6/5/15 1:11 pm
                 Why not give peace a chance?Kal6/5/15 2:09 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Dielectric6/5/15 2:29 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Grizzlei6/5/15 4:23 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)6/6/15 5:06 pm
                 Re: The Carver FindingsStephen L. (SoundEffect)6/6/15 5:08 pm
     Re: Team HalseyDielectric6/5/15 1:40 pm
           Re: Team HalseyKal6/5/15 2:11 pm
                 Re: Team Halseypadraig086/5/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyKal6/5/15 2:31 pm
                             Damn Tories! *NM*Grizzlei6/5/15 4:24 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyGrizzlei6/5/15 4:50 pm
           Re: Team HalseyGrizzlei6/5/15 4:41 pm
           Re: Team HalseyArithmomaniac6/6/15 11:51 pm
                 Re: Team Halseyzofinda6/7/15 9:39 am
     Re: Team HalseyDHalo6/5/15 5:54 pm
           The AssemblyHarmanimus6/5/15 6:58 pm
                 Re: The AssemblyGeneral Vagueness6/5/15 7:24 pm
                       Re: The AssemblyGrizzlei6/5/15 7:59 pm
                             are they even canon anymore?Bounce-A-Gon6/5/15 8:55 pm
                                   Re: are they even canon anymore?Grizzlei6/5/15 9:11 pm
                                         Re: are they even canon anymore?Bounce-A-Gon6/5/15 10:38 pm
                                               Re: are they even canon anymore?Quirel6/6/15 12:06 am
                                                     Re: are they even canon anymore?zofinda6/7/15 9:10 am
                                   Re: are they even canon anymore?Arithmomaniac6/6/15 11:56 pm
                             Re: The AssemblyArithmomaniac6/7/15 12:02 am
     Re: Team HalseyGeneral Vagueness6/5/15 7:10 pm

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