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Re: Team Halsey
Date: 6/5/15 4:50 pm
In Response To: Re: Team Halsey (padraig08)

: That definitely depends on your perspective of empire and self rule. United
: Earth was instrumental in securing successful civilization across space in
: the beginning, that infrastructure was necessary. So, to the UNSC,
: crushing opposition and oppression is keeping the union and securing
: future peace.

That kind of plays into the theme of Europe and America going off and colonizing the rest of the world under the pretense of "civilizing" indigenous people with their own modern systems and customs. Yes, did bring a lot of modern advancements to comparatively underdeveloped nations. I'm sure they could appreciate it if the colonizers hadn't forced the indigenous people or settlers to build and maintain this infrastructure and industry with little to no compensation for their labor. Housing, sustenance, healthcare, and other essential services are held hostage or plainly just don't exist because capitalists want to get the maximum profits out of a colony.

If the people find that they've had enough of this, and they always will, the colonizers will deploy thousands of colonial troops overseas to intimidate and suppress the local populace.

Messages In This Thread

Team HalseyKal6/5/15 9:51 am
     Re: Team HalseyHarmanimus6/5/15 10:46 am
           Re: Team Halseyasa6/5/15 12:12 pm
           Re: Team HalseyAlexis6/9/15 5:53 am
                 Re: Team Halseythebruce06/9/15 9:20 am
                 Re: Team Halseydavidfuchs6/9/15 12:54 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyArchilen6/9/15 1:44 pm
     The Carver FindingsPostmortem6/5/15 12:18 pm
           Re: The Carver FindingsGrizzlei6/5/15 1:11 pm
                 Why not give peace a chance?Kal6/5/15 2:09 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Dielectric6/5/15 2:29 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Grizzlei6/5/15 4:23 pm
                       Re: Why not give peace a chance?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)6/6/15 5:06 pm
                 Re: The Carver FindingsStephen L. (SoundEffect)6/6/15 5:08 pm
     Re: Team HalseyDielectric6/5/15 1:40 pm
           Re: Team HalseyKal6/5/15 2:11 pm
                 Re: Team Halseypadraig086/5/15 2:20 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyKal6/5/15 2:31 pm
                             Damn Tories! *NM*Grizzlei6/5/15 4:24 pm
                       Re: Team HalseyGrizzlei6/5/15 4:50 pm
           Re: Team HalseyGrizzlei6/5/15 4:41 pm
           Re: Team HalseyArithmomaniac6/6/15 11:51 pm
                 Re: Team Halseyzofinda6/7/15 9:39 am
     Re: Team HalseyDHalo6/5/15 5:54 pm
           The AssemblyHarmanimus6/5/15 6:58 pm
                 Re: The AssemblyGeneral Vagueness6/5/15 7:24 pm
                       Re: The AssemblyGrizzlei6/5/15 7:59 pm
                             are they even canon anymore?Bounce-A-Gon6/5/15 8:55 pm
                                   Re: are they even canon anymore?Grizzlei6/5/15 9:11 pm
                                         Re: are they even canon anymore?Bounce-A-Gon6/5/15 10:38 pm
                                               Re: are they even canon anymore?Quirel6/6/15 12:06 am
                                                     Re: are they even canon anymore?zofinda6/7/15 9:10 am
                                   Re: are they even canon anymore?Arithmomaniac6/6/15 11:56 pm
                             Re: The AssemblyArithmomaniac6/7/15 12:02 am
     Re: Team HalseyGeneral Vagueness6/5/15 7:10 pm

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