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: I separate my Bungie Halo (RIP) from 343's Halo (I loved Halo 4 before the
: weapon rebalancing), so it's not a "back in my day" type of
: thing so much as it is an annoyance with mismanagement of a rich universe
: loaded with potential. The whole Geas thing is right up there on the list
: of worst storytelling devices, with extremely improbable character
: connections tagging close behind (heck, Luke and Leia coming together is a
: great example of this bit of bad storytelling, but everything around it
: flowed so well and their relationship was so inconsequential that it
: actually worked), and the resurrection of dead characters just because of
: their iconic status/popularity/marketability.
: Given this direction, I foresee a confrontation between Jul and Arbiter,
: though given the fact that they're leaders of their respective enemy
: factions, it could work...
: Still, Buck going from meeting Noble Six, being the deuteragonist of ODST
: (and meeting Johnson), to being part of the special squad hunting Chief is
: a huge stretch of credibility, but storytelling tends to play
: second-fiddle to marketability and recurring characters.
: It's a thing.
I think something you should consider in all of this is that the average Halo fan is well....average. While I'm happy to see of the TFoR Spartans along side the Chief, I hate that they aren't all wearing MK V armor.
On the same side however, I understand WHY they aren't from a fiction standpoint, and I also understand why they have to make the characters as different and obvious as possible (as you mention, making sure Linda has all kinds of optics on her to indicate she's the team sniper) because for the larger audience, you DO have to beat them over the head with stuff sometimes.
I think Bungie was better at subtlety than 343 is, but that was Bungie of the 2000's. That Bungie is gone, as evidence by Destiny's own shortcomings (being too subtle. Ok, not subtle, just flat out NOT having a narrative. )
So once again in our eyes, 343 commits the sin of trying to please everyone, and thus please no one. Or so it would seem, wouldn't it? It is honestly too early to tell. Long time fans have been wanting to see more of the Spartan IIs in game play for years. Maybe this will be good. Cortana coming back? Oh hell yes she is. Anyone should be able to see this one coming a mile away, especially with how the Greg Bear novels hint at the digital world and how it ties to the physical blah blah blah stargate blah blah blah.
(If I'm proven wrong and 343 actually DOES have the stones to kill Cortana d.e.a.d then someone bookmark this post and call me out on it later, I'll take my punishment)
As 343 continue to "find themselves" in terms of what they want Halo to be, I see things improving. It doesn't mean I AGREE with their style and direction, but I can appreciate it. Am I excited for Halo 5 and to see more? Yes. Affirmative. Am I going to run out and get a copy of MCC and and Xbone anytime soon? LOL NOPE.