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Re: Escalation Preview
By:The Lionheart
Date: 8/21/14 12:56 pm
In Response To: Re: Escalation Preview (Quirel)

Pages 364-365 of Primordium reveal that The Captive prevented prehistoric humanity's extinction by causing the Forerunners to believe that humans had found an immunity to The Flood.

But it was a strategic feint.

Because of The Captive's actions, humans were not completely wiped out by the Forerunners -- they were kept alive in the hopes that the Forerunners could eventually discover this prized immunity to the Flood -- and thus humanity was given the opportunity to rebuild themselves at some point in the future.

And then the other aspect of The Captive's preservation of humanity is found when The Librarian's conservation measure results in the safeguarding of humanity, while elsewhere Key Minds are utilizing Precursor technology to utterly destroy the Forerunner race collected at the Greater Ark in their desperate attempt at a final stand. This of course occurring within the context of the galaxy being filled with Burns that are beyond the rescuing abilities of the overstretched Forerunner Ecumene.

So, because of The Captive's actions:
Forerunners go out,
Humans come in.

And unlike before, at the time when the Precursors announced humanity as the Inheritors of The Mantle, now there is no Forerunner race to muck things up with their own destructively selfish ambitions as humanity goes about growing and maturing and unknowingly preparing themselves to be tested as they move towards their eventual reclamation of The Mantle.

Messages In This Thread

Escalation Previewzofinda8/19/14 6:30 pm
     Re: Escalation Previewserpx8/19/14 6:46 pm
           Re: Escalation Previewzofinda8/19/14 7:42 pm
                 Re: Escalation PreviewVAVA Mk28/19/14 11:36 pm
                       Re: Escalation Previewdavidfuchs8/19/14 11:48 pm
                             Re: Escalation PreviewGrizzlei8/20/14 3:26 pm
                                   Re: Escalation PreviewVAVA Mk28/20/14 9:46 pm
                                         Re: Escalation PreviewThe Lionheart8/21/14 2:56 am
                                               Re: Escalation PreviewQuirel8/21/14 3:55 am
                                                     Re: Escalation PreviewThe Lionheart8/21/14 12:56 pm
                                               Re: Escalation Previewasa8/21/14 12:41 pm
                                                     Re: Escalation PreviewThe Lionheart8/21/14 1:09 pm
                                                           Re: Escalation Previewasa8/21/14 3:38 pm
                                         Re: Escalation Previewserpx8/21/14 6:30 pm
                                               Re: Escalation PreviewGrizzlei8/21/14 7:17 pm
                                                     Re: Escalation PreviewMetalingus6278/22/14 1:16 am
                                                           Re: Escalation PreviewMasterz13378/22/14 1:31 am
                                                                 Re: Escalation PreviewThe BS Police8/22/14 12:33 pm
                                                                       Re: Escalation PreviewMasterz13378/22/14 1:42 pm
                       Re: Escalation Previewzofinda8/20/14 5:53 am
                             Re: Escalation Previewdavidfuchs8/20/14 9:46 am
                                   Re: Escalation Previewserpx8/20/14 12:26 pm
                                         Re: Escalation Previewdavidfuchs8/20/14 12:58 pm
                                               Re: Escalation PreviewNotTheVacuum8/20/14 1:57 pm
                                   Re: Escalation Previewzofinda8/20/14 5:45 pm
                 Re: Escalation PreviewMetalingus6278/20/14 10:10 am
     Re: Escalation PreviewGrizzlei8/20/14 3:30 pm
           Re: Escalation Previewserpx8/20/14 5:38 pm
           Forerunner CitiesThe Lionheart8/21/14 2:38 am
           Re: Escalation PreviewQuirel8/21/14 11:39 pm
     Re: Escalation PreviewThe Lionheart8/21/14 2:31 am
           Re: Escalation PreviewArchilen8/21/14 4:41 am
           Re: Escalation Preview *SP*serpx8/21/14 8:33 pm
                 Re: Escalation Preview *SP*thebruce08/22/14 2:09 pm
     Re: Escalation Preview *Spoilers and screencaps*Quirel8/21/14 11:57 pm
           Re: Escalation Preview *Spoilers and screencaps*Grizzlei8/22/14 12:56 am
                 Re: Escalation Preview *Spoilers and screencaps*zanezavin18/22/14 2:41 am
           Re: Escalation Preview *Spoilers and screencaps*Gnuet8/22/14 6:36 am
                 Re: Escalation Preview *Spoilers and screencaps*GrimBrother One8/22/14 4:01 pm

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