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Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?
Date: 8/17/14 8:27 pm
In Response To: Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different? (Commie_Grunt)

: Returning with an answer to my own question.

: Since the UEG was formed so easily in 2170 after the defeat of the rebels,
: it's rational to assume that there wasn't any real opposition from the
: traditionally anti-Western countries like Russia and China. That means
: China is no longer Communist in 2160, but pro-Western, which was bound to
: happen anyway. Russia will likewise be pro-Western.

: However, that raises the following question: if there is no longer a powerful
: communist country on Earth by 2160, where do the communist Koslovics get
: their support from? Did they simply form a more-or-less guerrilla movement
: with support from workers from the colonies? If that's the case... no
: wonder they got their asses kicked so easily.

Actually, scratch that. The original timeline says that national governments fought each other in space:

The Jovian Moons Campaign escalated tensions, as Earth's national governments-many of which sponsored colonies within the system-began fighting proxy wars off-planet. As these proxy wars continued, tensions on Earth mounted, leading to a number of armed conflicts on Earth itself.

Messages In This Thread

WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/16/14 9:24 pm
     Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?zofinda8/16/14 10:13 pm
           Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 8:22 am
                 Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Grizzlei8/17/14 6:22 pm
     THESE...GrimBrother One8/17/14 3:10 am
           Re: THESE...Grizzlei8/17/14 6:27 pm
     Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Grizzlei8/17/14 6:12 pm
           Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 7:00 pm
                 Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?zofinda8/17/14 7:07 pm
                       Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 8:21 pm
                             Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?zofinda8/17/14 8:45 pm
                 Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Grizzlei8/17/14 7:22 pm
                 Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 7:27 pm
                       Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Grizzlei8/17/14 7:44 pm
                             What about Germany?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 8:19 pm
                                   Re: What about Germany?zofinda8/17/14 8:39 pm
                       Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Commie_Grunt8/17/14 8:27 pm
                             Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?Morhek8/18/14 1:13 am
           Re: WI Interplanetary War turned out different?zofinda8/17/14 7:02 pm
     Halo: The Interplanetary WarPostmortem8/17/14 9:12 pm
           Re: Halo: The Interplanetary Warzofinda8/17/14 10:23 pm
           The Rain Forest WarsMetalingus6278/18/14 7:54 am
                 link fixedMetalingus6278/18/14 7:59 am
                       Re: link fixedthebruce08/18/14 10:02 am
                             Re: link fixedPostmortem8/18/14 10:46 pm

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