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Re: I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoH
Date: 7/4/14 6:12 pm

: HW supports command queues. Hold X and/or Y to queue. Hot groups, from what I
: recall, had some sort of support in the engine, but of course didn't ship
: with it.

: The HW engine supported building placements (on top of the current socket
: system). Not sure if the decision to release with fixed placements was due
: to scheduling or the feature being incomplete.

: Another ability, with some of its assets were left in, was placing mine
: fields.

: Indeed, it would be interesting to see the buildings in base sockets support
: garrisoning of infantry. Perhaps as an additional upgrade, on a
: per-building basis (much as you would with base turrets upgrading to
: anti-infantry, etc). This way you can really fortify crucial bases in the
: longer games (when you have extra resources to spare for upgrades).
My biggest worry would be the game getting overcomplicated, but there is definitely some room for additional complexity such as this.

Messages In This Thread

Another Halo game in the works?Grizzlei7/2/14 1:00 am
     Re: Another Halo game in the works?Asian Inferno7/2/14 3:13 am
           I'm with smart guy ^kornman007/2/14 5:03 am
                 Re: I'm with smart guy ^ArteenEsben7/2/14 7:43 am
                       Yeah, butkornman007/2/14 9:47 am
                             Re: Yeah, butArteenEsben7/2/14 5:38 pm
                       If it were up to me...Quirel7/2/14 11:31 am
                             Re: If it were up to me...ArteenEsben7/2/14 5:32 pm
                                   Re: If it were up to me...Quirel7/3/14 12:06 am
                                         I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoHkornman007/3/14 7:46 am
                                               Re: I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoHQuirel7/3/14 2:17 pm
                                                     Re: I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoHkornman007/4/14 9:41 am
                                                           Re: I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoHArteenEsben7/4/14 6:12 pm
                                                           Re: I like imagining HW2, not a Halo mod of CoHQuirel7/6/14 1:55 pm
                                                                 What about HW's "The Docks"?kornman007/6/14 4:35 pm
                                                                       Re: What about HW's "The Docks"?Quirel7/7/14 1:41 pm
                                                                             cov_inf_eliteLeader vs cov_inf_bruteLeaderkornman007/7/14 2:21 pm
                       Re: I'm with smart guy ^Grizzlei7/2/14 2:55 pm
                             Re: I'm with smart guy ^Asian Inferno7/2/14 10:58 pm
           Re: Another Halo game in the works?pete_the_duck7/2/14 12:23 pm
     Re: Another Halo game in the works?TDSpiral7/2/14 3:32 am
     Re: Another Halo game in the works?Morhek7/2/14 4:39 am
     Re: Another Halo game in the works?serpx7/2/14 1:06 pm

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