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Re: 100 not out *VID*
Date: 4/11/14 4:01 pm
In Response To: Re: 100 not out *VID* (Rockslider)

: If you pause a hog near the back edge of the Marines plateau in the rockslide
: area of level 2, and there's a Marine down below, he's potentially able to
: board despite the rediculous distance. So, that box height will be no
: trouble at all!

Apparently so.

: I must give that a go. Sounds amusing. Up on that box thingie, his driving AI
: will be offline I think. An Elite on a Ghost would likewise just hover
: there (I've had them on the exit side), though he's able to rotate the
: Ghost at least (and I expect a Marine can too).

Yeah, the question is how big of a problem is it for you if you're looking through a sniper scope?

On another note, sniping with Johnson is fun, though it is often sad how he often puts bullets right through the heads of his fellow Marines - I once saw him 'accidentally' kill seven of his own buddies, including Stacker!


Messages In This Thread

100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 5:20 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/9/14 6:33 pm
           Thanks *NM*Rockslider4/9/14 7:35 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 8:23 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 8:34 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 9:52 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 1:08 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 3:27 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:03 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:33 pm
                             Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/10/14 5:40 pm
                                   Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 6:33 pm
                                         Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 4:01 pm
                                               Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 4:52 pm
                                                     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 6:05 pm
                                                           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 8:01 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*uberfoop4/10/14 3:51 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:06 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:18 pm
                             I concede *NM*scarab4/10/14 4:34 pm

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