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100 not out *VID*
Date: 4/9/14 5:20 pm

Yes, my H1 movie series has finally made it into triple figures. I thought I should try and do something memorable for BCM100, and hopefully this fits the bill. It concerns the dropship seen previously, but this time it's not about detaching the turret, it's about getting the ship trapped by the bridge! Especially make sure to stick around for the last two minutes or so, when things get extra tricksy. I've also posted an article on my site; see Trapped dropship.

YouTube link: BCM100
HBO link: BCM100

There are download versions available too; my standard version plus HBO versions.

Messages In This Thread

100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 5:20 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/9/14 6:33 pm
           Thanks *NM*Rockslider4/9/14 7:35 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 8:23 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 8:34 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 9:52 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 1:08 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 3:27 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:03 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:33 pm
                             Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/10/14 5:40 pm
                                   Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 6:33 pm
                                         Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 4:01 pm
                                               Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 4:52 pm
                                                     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 6:05 pm
                                                           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 8:01 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*uberfoop4/10/14 3:51 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:06 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:18 pm
                             I concede *NM*scarab4/10/14 4:34 pm

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