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Re: 100 not out *VID*
Date: 4/10/14 4:33 pm
In Response To: Re: 100 not out *VID* (scarab)

: I thought that in the first game the merest touch of a vehicle could kill
: you.

Come to think of it, maybe you're right. I'm trying to recall times when I was merely shifted, not killed, but I can't. I do know that covies and Marines can be bumped aside by a vehicle, but MC could be different of course. I could try to test this by getting a Marine in a Ghost and getting a checkpoint nearby, to see if I can ever survive a touch.

Messages In This Thread

100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 5:20 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/9/14 6:33 pm
           Thanks *NM*Rockslider4/9/14 7:35 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 8:23 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 8:34 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 9:52 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 1:08 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 3:27 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:03 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:33 pm
                             Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/10/14 5:40 pm
                                   Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 6:33 pm
                                         Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 4:01 pm
                                               Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 4:52 pm
                                                     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 6:05 pm
                                                           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 8:01 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*uberfoop4/10/14 3:51 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:06 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:18 pm
                             I concede *NM*scarab4/10/14 4:34 pm

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