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Re: Halo: Infinite
Date: 6/16/18 1:28 pm
In Response To: Re: Halo: Infinite (davidfuchs)

: I very much like the style they've got going here—it feels very much like
: Sparth's concept art, almost painterly (like those background vistas.)

The landscapes are very like his concept paintings but the Halo 5 style buildings are also very like his concept paintings. So, to me, the good and the bad are both contained in his paintings.

But I don't recall him painting the Knights or the Warden Eternal or the Cave-Troll-Grunts. I don't think that they were that bad because that's want he wanted. AFAIK he was in charge of Halo 5's art but maybe he has been told to reign that stuff in, to take more charge of what his team gets up to.

Getting back to his concept art. Some of it is very busy. I like a lot of his work and I was impressed by the area in the Argent Moon where there was a ship being assembled? disassembled? They really caught the essence of his art style, particularly the blue white colours. I like those in his paintings but I found them too harsh on the eyes when you are actually inside those worlds, when you are trying to shoot at enemies and walk up ramps with those intense lights in your eyes. At times my eyes HURT during that level.

What makes good paintings does not necessarily make good levels.

: Also, I'm intrigued by the suggestion of an open-world Halo game.

I hope that there will be something worthwhile to do in them. Halo 3 had beautiful levels but once I had achieved my objectives I didn't really want to stay too long in them. The worlds feel more alive when you are blasting through them and are just aware of them from time to time. And Destiny really put me off the idea of beautiful levels on their own being enough to keep me playing.

Not that I think that everything is doomed just because Destiny's bounties bored be to death. I still like to roam the streets of New Mombassa whilst playing through the campaign story. I still enjoy that lonely night time emptiness.

Messages In This Thread

Halo: Infinitegamerguy20027/2/18 7:58 am
     Halo Art is back!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/10/18 11:01 pm
           343 acknowledging that their art sucked...munky-0586/10/18 11:17 pm
                 Re: 343 acknowledging that their art sucked...Cody Moore6/11/18 4:35 pm
                       Re: 343 acknowledging that their art sucked...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/16/18 12:52 pm
                             They wont have all the assets converted yetscarab6/18/18 8:39 pm
                                   Re: They wont have all the assets converted yetdavidfuchs6/18/18 8:39 pm
     Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/16/18 1:28 pm
           Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 9:49 am
                 Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 11:20 am
                       Re: Halo: Infinitegamerguy20026/11/18 6:46 pm
                             Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 6:46 pm
                       Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 6:45 pm
                             Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 11:41 pm
                                   Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 11:42 pm
                                         Re: Halo: InfiniteJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/11/18 11:42 pm
           Re: Halo: Infinitescarab6/16/18 1:28 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteMacGyver106/10/18 10:28 pm
           Re: Halo: InfiniteNosolee6/10/18 11:24 pm
                 Re: Halo: InfiniteCody Moore6/10/18 11:24 pm
     What is this feeling??Chris101b6/15/18 8:35 am
           Re: What is this feeling??Cody Miller6/11/18 5:41 pm
                 Re: What is this feeling??Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/21/18 6:11 pm
                       Re: What is this feeling??Kermit6/21/18 6:19 pm
                             Re: What is this feeling??Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/21/18 7:07 pm
                                   Heh. *NM*Kermit6/21/18 7:07 pm
           My brain just can't...scarab6/18/18 8:40 pm
                 Re: My brain just can't...General Vagueness6/19/18 10:37 am
                       Re: My brain just can't...MacGyver106/20/18 7:09 am
                             Re: My brain just can't...davidfuchs6/20/18 7:09 am
                 Re: My brain just can't...davidfuchs6/19/18 1:05 pm
                       But they're so cheesy!scarab6/19/18 1:05 pm
     Re: Halo: Infinitethebruce06/11/18 12:02 pm
     Re: Gave me shiverskidtsunami6/11/18 12:39 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteGeneral Vagueness6/11/18 11:47 pm
           Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 11:47 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteThe Loot6/12/18 7:29 am
           Re: Frames per secondRevenant19886/12/18 4:24 pm
                 Re: Frames per secondJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/12/18 4:25 pm
                       Re: Frames per seconddavidfuchs6/12/18 5:55 pm
                             Re: Frames per seconduberfoop6/13/18 2:34 pm
                                   Re: Frames per secondGeneral Vagueness6/14/18 2:46 am
                                         Re: Frames per seconduberfoop6/14/18 2:46 am
                                               Oops, the Halo 3 MB image isn't showing for me...uberfoop6/14/18 2:46 am
                       Re: Frames per secondCody Miller6/12/18 4:25 pm
                 Re: Frames per secondCody Miller6/12/18 4:24 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteRVideo6/19/18 10:39 am
           Re: Halo: InfiniteMacGyver106/19/18 10:39 am
     some thing I'd like to seescarab6/24/18 7:12 pm
           Re: some thing I'd like to seeMacGyver106/23/18 3:31 am
                 Curved Worldsscarab6/23/18 3:31 am
           Re: some thing I'd like to seeGeneral Vagueness6/24/18 7:12 pm
     We've got to have this in the Slipspace Enginescarab7/2/18 7:58 am

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