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Re: They wont have all the assets converted yet
Date: 6/18/18 8:39 pm

: Maybe the new, old, warthogs aren't finished yet. They, currently, only pass
: muster as a reflection or they don't have proper physics attached to them
: (whatever that means).

: We are seeing a work-in-progress to show off the current capabilities of
: their engine and make a statement about their change of direction. I
: suspect that they just didn't have enough new assets to change everything.

: I suppose that they wanted to hit E3 and so concentrated on the most
: important, dare I say ICONIC, assets. ;-) (Yes, I know, the PUMA is also
: very iconic)

: They had what they had and they definitely made their statement given, the
: always present, constraints of time and resources.

: That is the best looking Halo game engine that I've ever seen. It looks
: better than Destiny's engine. Hopefully it will be easier to make content
: for it.

I think anything's easier to make content for than Destiny :P

Personally I doubt they're going to whole-hog switch to everything old and pretend that it was always like that. They'll handwave some lore reasons and many things will probably get a retouch, but I doubt outside of a few things they'll just pretend the last five years didn't happen.

If the BRs were just placeholders, why would they have revised the marines to something that's in the ballpark of Reach and 4/5 but not their gear?

Messages In This Thread

Halo: Infinitegamerguy20027/2/18 7:58 am
     Halo Art is back!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/10/18 11:01 pm
           343 acknowledging that their art sucked...munky-0586/10/18 11:17 pm
                 Re: 343 acknowledging that their art sucked...Cody Moore6/11/18 4:35 pm
                       Re: 343 acknowledging that their art sucked...Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/16/18 12:52 pm
                             They wont have all the assets converted yetscarab6/18/18 8:39 pm
                                   Re: They wont have all the assets converted yetdavidfuchs6/18/18 8:39 pm
     Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/16/18 1:28 pm
           Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 9:49 am
                 Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 11:20 am
                       Re: Halo: Infinitegamerguy20026/11/18 6:46 pm
                             Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 6:46 pm
                       Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 6:45 pm
                             Re: Halo: Infinitedavidfuchs6/11/18 11:41 pm
                                   Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 11:42 pm
                                         Re: Halo: InfiniteJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/11/18 11:42 pm
           Re: Halo: Infinitescarab6/16/18 1:28 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteMacGyver106/10/18 10:28 pm
           Re: Halo: InfiniteNosolee6/10/18 11:24 pm
                 Re: Halo: InfiniteCody Moore6/10/18 11:24 pm
     What is this feeling??Chris101b6/15/18 8:35 am
           Re: What is this feeling??Cody Miller6/11/18 5:41 pm
                 Re: What is this feeling??Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/21/18 6:11 pm
                       Re: What is this feeling??Kermit6/21/18 6:19 pm
                             Re: What is this feeling??Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/21/18 7:07 pm
                                   Heh. *NM*Kermit6/21/18 7:07 pm
           My brain just can't...scarab6/18/18 8:40 pm
                 Re: My brain just can't...General Vagueness6/19/18 10:37 am
                       Re: My brain just can't...MacGyver106/20/18 7:09 am
                             Re: My brain just can't...davidfuchs6/20/18 7:09 am
                 Re: My brain just can't...davidfuchs6/19/18 1:05 pm
                       But they're so cheesy!scarab6/19/18 1:05 pm
     Re: Halo: Infinitethebruce06/11/18 12:02 pm
     Re: Gave me shiverskidtsunami6/11/18 12:39 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteGeneral Vagueness6/11/18 11:47 pm
           Re: Halo: Infiniteasa6/11/18 11:47 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteThe Loot6/12/18 7:29 am
           Re: Frames per secondRevenant19886/12/18 4:24 pm
                 Re: Frames per secondJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)6/12/18 4:25 pm
                       Re: Frames per seconddavidfuchs6/12/18 5:55 pm
                             Re: Frames per seconduberfoop6/13/18 2:34 pm
                                   Re: Frames per secondGeneral Vagueness6/14/18 2:46 am
                                         Re: Frames per seconduberfoop6/14/18 2:46 am
                                               Oops, the Halo 3 MB image isn't showing for me...uberfoop6/14/18 2:46 am
                       Re: Frames per secondCody Miller6/12/18 4:25 pm
                 Re: Frames per secondCody Miller6/12/18 4:24 pm
     Re: Halo: InfiniteRVideo6/19/18 10:39 am
           Re: Halo: InfiniteMacGyver106/19/18 10:39 am
     some thing I'd like to seescarab6/24/18 7:12 pm
           Re: some thing I'd like to seeMacGyver106/23/18 3:31 am
                 Curved Worldsscarab6/23/18 3:31 am
           Re: some thing I'd like to seeGeneral Vagueness6/24/18 7:12 pm
     We've got to have this in the Slipspace Enginescarab7/2/18 7:58 am

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