Re: The problem is bigger than 343.
: I'm confused. It sounds like you're saying "yes, even though there are
: exceptions, for all intents and purposes I always only blame 343i for
: stuff" and "even though there are exceptions, certain people can
: be considered to always defend 343i", and then "don't take
: hyperbole too literally", when the previous statements are kind of
: hyperbolic (i.e. few examples = no examples). Also, I've said it before,
: but on the subject of tone, the smilies don't help. Sounding negative or
: jaded is one thing, putting a :P after it every time, to me, makes you
: sound smug, and that really grates.
It's not every time! Blah blah irony lol :P
Have I ever told you how much I enjoy your posts?