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Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5β
Date: 8/20/14 12:10 am
In Response To: Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5β (General Vagueness)

: You'd still have to figure out what SL stands for though. To me it seems most
: likely it's a meaningless detail to try to add realism. It might be nice
: to be surprised on that, but I think we'll have enough mechanics to deal
: with without night-vision scopes and the like.

I'm talking about fluff, not gameplay mechanics. Would be neat if you could zoom in on the AR and toggle nightvision like you could with the sniper rifle, but that would have a low priority on the list of things to code.

: Are you being obstinate like above or do you really not see it? It's totally
: got the same silhouette as an M7 without the buttstock extended.

An FN FAL has a similar silhouette to a HK G3. Completely different rifles. Hell, the M4 carbine is a shorter version of the M16, and it has a different number.

: Some of
: the corners are rounded and it's different color and they moved the
: magazine, otherwise it looks exactly the same.

Moving the magazine would make it a different model of gun.

: The Halo 4 DMR was also a pretty close copy of the Reach DMR.

Not really. 343i even billed it as a different model, the M395 as opposed to the M392.

: Also, I thought the rail was or involved the notches along the top, the
: triangular peaks and valleys, I guess that's something else?

That's a rail, I'm just complaining about the rails most of the weapons have glued to their sides.

: I have my worries, but I think whatever this thing is, it'll at least be
: interesting to have and use.

I'm rather fond of laser-guided missiles. Half-Life 2 was so much easier once I learned how to use the missile launcher as artillery.

: Yeah that always got me, why two? Why not one or three or possibly more?

I imagine that two seemed like a reasonable compromise between weight, size, and firepower. From Halo Wars (Gasp! I'm citing Halo Wars as canon?) we know that there's a four-barrel version that was fielded early in the war. This may have been special-issue to Spartans, it might have been a stationary model that Douglas-042 picked up and carried around.

: Obviously it was a gameplay thing but it
: seems really hard to fit it into reality, and I would think having it hold
: one rocket at a time and increasing the reload speed would give the result they
: wanted as far as how often you can fire.

Don't think that would work. While it would let a user keep up the same rate of fire, it would still have a different feel than the current rocket launcher.

I see it this way: That second rocket in the clip is for mopping up what you missed the first time. The ability to make a quick follow-up shot sets the MAV-AW apart from every other rocket launcher I've gamed with.

: (or one rocket-propelled grenade if we're getting technical)

Nah, you had it right the first time.
If we want to be pedantic, there is no such thing as a rocket propelled grenade.
If we want to be technical, a rocket propelled grenade is strictly a line of infantry anti-tank weapons made by Russia.
If we want to be general, a rocket propelled grenade is a family of rocket launchers where the rocket does not wholly fit inside a tube, descended from (but not including) the German Panzerfaust.

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           Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βserpx8/18/14 5:00 pm
                 Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βQuirel8/18/14 10:19 pm
                 Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βyakaman8/18/14 10:23 pm
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                       Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βPhoenix_92868/19/14 12:11 am
                             Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βhunt3r8/19/14 1:15 am
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           Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βGeneral Vagueness8/18/14 11:13 pm
                 Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βNikko B2018/18/14 11:31 pm
                       Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βserpx8/19/14 1:41 am
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                             Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βMetalingus6278/20/14 8:00 am
                 Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βQuirel8/20/14 12:10 am
                       Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βGeneral Vagueness8/21/14 8:59 pm
                             Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βQuirel8/23/14 2:16 pm
                                   Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βGeneral Vagueness8/24/14 1:30 pm
                                         Re: Further thoughts and speculation about H5βQuirel8/25/14 12:11 am

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