: And the question of H5, which he poses, is whether or not people will even
: bother. Well, I know that I sure as hell don't want to bother. If you had
: asked me three weeks ago if I'd be buying it or even playing it, the
: answer would have been a very confident "no way in hell" without
: a second thought. The fixes to multiplayer are giving me some hope, but at
: the same time I'm almost wondering how they'll find ways to dumb down,
: hand hold, and release a broken product for H5 multiplayer, and after H4's
: campaign, I'm not holding my breath for H5's. I'm on the fence now, and I
: think it's a "rent first" or "wait until Microsoft
: laughingly drops the place to $40 or $50 after a month from launch"
: to buy. Time will tell what happens, obviously.
Sounds like the story direction has made you ready for the "launch night coop experience". Excellent.