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Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 Populat
Date: 4/3/13 3:27 pm

: I don't see how you can play mm for one day and understand it.
I played Halo 1 multiplayer for many days before I understood it.

I played Halo 2 multiplayer for one day and understood it. It was Halo.

I played Halo 3 multiplayer for one day and understood it. It was Halo.

I played Halo Reach multiplayer for one day and understood it. It was Halo.

I played Halo 4 multiplayer for one day and understood it very clearly. It was not Halo. It was some bastardized, sorry excuse for a multiplayer game with "Halo" thrown on the box - an insult to the series. Even the campaign wasn't that great. Again, it didn't feel anything like Halo. Every other Halo game before it had felt like Halo with some changes and developments from the previous game. This was too different. It wasn't Halo.

Again, I played for the Chief's story. And I thought even that felt strange, rushed, and underdeveloped. I was thoroughly disappointed.

I will play Halo 5. But it will be for the Chief's story, and nothing more.

Messages In This Thread

Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 Population)UnrealCh13f4/3/13 1:15 pm
     Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatZaneZavin4/3/13 1:48 pm
           Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatCARDO 8 ATL4/3/13 3:10 pm
     Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 Populatuberfoop4/3/13 1:50 pm
           Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatCARDO 8 ATL4/3/13 3:11 pm
     Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatGravemind4/3/13 2:57 pm
           Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatGuttsu4/3/13 3:47 pm
                 Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatPkmnrulz2404/3/13 4:37 pm
     Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatCARDO 8 ATL4/3/13 2:59 pm
     Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatPkmnrulz2404/3/13 3:05 pm
           Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatCARDO 8 ATL4/3/13 3:12 pm
                 Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatPkmnrulz2404/3/13 3:27 pm
                       Re: Meanwhile over at NeoGAF.. (re: Halo 4 PopulatAvateur4/3/13 7:33 pm
     There's a simpler explanation behind this IMOAnton P. Nym (aka Steve)4/3/13 3:29 pm
           Re: There's a simpler explanation behind this IMOKal4/3/13 3:35 pm
                 Re: There's a simpler explanation behind this IMOCARDO 8 ATL4/3/13 3:48 pm
                       Not when the competition is copying it, no. *NM*Anton P. Nym (aka Steve)4/3/13 3:49 pm
           Re: There's a simpler explanation behind this IMOdavidfuchs4/3/13 8:04 pm
                 Ah, this is a great pointRevenant19884/3/13 11:15 pm
     I saw this. A Fucking Beautiful Post.zoojoo4/3/13 5:38 pm
     Well that was interestingAvateur4/3/13 7:22 pm
           Re: Well that was interestingpete_the_duck4/4/13 9:02 am
                 Re: Well that was interestingAvateur4/4/13 9:10 pm
                       Re: Well that was interestingpete_the_duck4/5/13 9:02 am
                             Re: Well that was interestingAvateur4/5/13 8:52 pm

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