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Re: And you think I don't?
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/16/15 3:10 pm
In Response To: And you think I don't? (Quirel)

: Now, let's go through the list of webcomics I read. You've heard me talk
: about Schlock Mercenary, right? That's at least 81% Rule of Cool, enabled
: by SCIENCE! Just look at this:

That doesn't seem like rule of cool at all, or funny, or much of anything, it's just describing two people aiming. I'm really into science and technology and I don't see the appeal.

: Mechs aren't cool*. In fact, that goes for pretty much all of anime.

>:( you know mechs aren't exclusive to anime, why would you say that and potentially start the anime haters vs. anime lovers thing again?

: The thing is, 343i's fun is completely different from Bungie's fun. In fact,
: Bungie's fun isn't what Bungie's fun used to be. Used to be, the
: impossibly cool shotgun reload animation was lampshaded in the manual with
: a "You wouldn't understand the mechanism if I explained it to
: you." Almost twenty years later, Joseph Statten laments not being
: able to come up with a canonical justification for why the souls of Vex
: pour out of their heads when they die.

That's the Fallen, not the Vex, and if you're thinking of the quote I think you're thinking of, he started thinking up an explanation-- which fits his role as a writer-- and then the person who had the idea basically said "no, it's actually their soul", and he accepted that and saw the value in that. I don't know why you'd use Destiny as an example anyway, the whole game runs on space magic. (Also they're bringing back the Marathon shotgun reload in a weapon coming later this year.)

: "Hey, man, the animation is almost complete, but we don't have the
: dialog nailed down."
: "Dialog? For heaven's sake, it's twenty solid minutes of Spartans
: kicking ass! I don't see pornos headhunting for scriptwriters, do
: you?"
: "But what if it's not enough? This is anime, we've got a fanservice
: quota to meet."
: "Tell you what, let's just have Halsey and the Master Chief regurgitate
: lines from the games. We can pretend that it gives the later lines more
: meaning or something."
: "Works for me."

again with the insulting and generalizing

Messages In This Thread

Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.hunt3r6/14/15 9:21 pm
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Apollo6/14/15 9:47 pm
     Head canon is best canon. *NM*Revenant19886/14/15 10:44 pm
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Gravemind6/15/15 1:16 am
           Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)6/15/15 7:21 am
           Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Quirel6/16/15 4:25 am
     I have some sympathy for the rule of coolscarab6/15/15 8:16 am
           And you think I don't?Quirel6/16/15 3:19 am
                 Re: And you think I don't?General Vagueness6/16/15 3:10 pm
                       Re: And you think I don't?Quirel6/19/15 2:02 am
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.The Loot6/15/15 8:25 am
           "not that big of a stretch" *IMG*Nikko B2016/15/15 9:26 am
                 Re: "not that big of a stretch" *IMG*The Loot6/16/15 6:06 am
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.General Vagueness6/15/15 6:06 pm
     Did somebody just call my name?Quirel6/16/15 4:40 am
           Damn. Deleted something important there.Quirel6/16/15 6:13 am
     Re: Canon and consistencyThe Lionheart6/16/15 11:26 pm

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