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Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.
By:The Loot
Date: 6/15/15 8:25 am

: Spartan Vale is ludicrously curvy and that doesn't meet my definition of what
: a realistic supersoldier should be.
But what is that? Large and bulky? Why does that have to be a requirement? Spartans, like people they start out as, should have varied physiques. Sure, they should be taller than normal people, mass a little more in muscle. We're not talking 40k-esque meat mountains here, Vale can pack all the capability she needs in that shape, plus maybe get an advantage that others don't. Now, if you want to talk about why some armor plating in certain areas seems lacking, there's something to be had there.

: When it's distressing to you that the chief's aremor keeps changing and there
: aren't any explanations: too bad - he's gotta look cool because it sells
: games .
It's Mark 2 armor, completely new, which the ending of Halo 4 pretty much implied was going to happen. Yes, the change from 3 to 4 can only be attributed to 343s new art direction (doesn't mean it was a good execution of it), but this time the armor change is canon.

: I'm definitely butthurt that the sizes and designs of frigates isn't consistent
: between halo game installments
Again, the change between 3 and 4 is the new art direction. But, unless something is stated "yes, this is exactly the same as that even though it ow looks different", variations of similar things isn't that big of a stretch.

Messages In This Thread

Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.hunt3r6/14/15 9:21 pm
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Apollo6/14/15 9:47 pm
     Head canon is best canon. *NM*Revenant19886/14/15 10:44 pm
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Gravemind6/15/15 1:16 am
           Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Stephen L. (SoundEffect)6/15/15 7:21 am
           Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.Quirel6/16/15 4:25 am
     I have some sympathy for the rule of coolscarab6/15/15 8:16 am
           And you think I don't?Quirel6/16/15 3:19 am
                 Re: And you think I don't?General Vagueness6/16/15 3:10 pm
                       Re: And you think I don't?Quirel6/19/15 2:02 am
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.The Loot6/15/15 8:25 am
           "not that big of a stretch" *IMG*Nikko B2016/15/15 9:26 am
                 Re: "not that big of a stretch" *IMG*The Loot6/16/15 6:06 am
     Re: Canon and consistency: time to stop caring.General Vagueness6/15/15 6:06 pm
     Did somebody just call my name?Quirel6/16/15 4:40 am
           Damn. Deleted something important there.Quirel6/16/15 6:13 am
     Re: Canon and consistencyThe Lionheart6/16/15 11:26 pm

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