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Pretty much this
Date: 6/14/15 11:38 pm
In Response To: Re: So, I says to myself, (zofinda)

: Well, that's extremely unfortunate the one piece of EU you were hoping would
: revitalize your Halo hype was Nightfall, because idk if anyone liked
: Nightfall. I'm a fanboy and usually am pretty forgiving of 343, but not
: even I remotely enjoyed Nightfall.

: Read New Blood, it's short and easy to read and universally liked by the Halo
: community, plus its told by Buck, it'll catch you up on what he has been
: up too. In my opinion the author did a great job portraying Bucks voice
: and attitude.

Nightfall was bland. I didn't necessarily hate it, but it did very little to peak my interest. Was disappointing when Forward Unto Dawn was so amazing (imo). 343 seems inconsistent in its ability to deliver quality products. The Kilo-Five trilogy had some interesting ideas, but ultimately fell short. I loved the Forerunner trilogy, though the second book was a bit of a haul. I absolutely love Broken Circle and New Blood. I just picked up Hunters in the Dark today (Barnes and Noble had it, but I thought it wasn't supposed to come out until Tuesday) but have yet to start it. I am excited for Halo 5, but I remain slightly cynical. Not quite as bad as most here, since I actually liked Halo 4, so take that as you will.

I would definitely recommend New Blood and Hunt the Truth (and maybe Broken Circle) to "catch up," the rest can probably be skipped or saved for later.

Messages In This Thread

So, I says to myself,Chewbaccawakka6/14/15 10:25 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,Revenant19886/14/15 10:42 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,zofinda6/14/15 10:43 pm
           Re: So, I says to myself,zofinda6/14/15 10:45 pm
           Pretty much thisMetalingus6276/14/15 11:38 pm
                 The end of negativityBounce-A-Gon6/14/15 11:48 pm
                       Re: The end of negativityMetalingus6276/14/15 11:53 pm
     Re: So, I says to myself,serpx6/15/15 1:19 am
           Couple additionsGrizzlei6/15/15 1:26 am
     Buck still has black, dirty looking ears. *NM*Captain Spark6/15/15 7:52 am
     Re: So, I says to myself,General Vagueness6/15/15 5:00 pm
           Re: So, I says to myself,General Vagueness6/15/15 5:17 pm

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